I hope you laughed out loud when you read the above caption. I certainly did. I suppose it points out a sad truth--we know very little about discipleship.


In John 10, Jesus speaks extensively about how the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. They know his voice, and they heed his call. 


What could perhaps be missed is that the reason that the sheep heed his call is that the shepherd lays down his life for them. They trust him. He protects them and provides for them.


Jesus talks very little about leadership, probably due to the misconceptions that people had about what this was. They viewed leadership as being the boss and having your way, whereas Jesus said that leadership was about service to others and laying down our lives for them (Mt. 20:28). This was not some trick to get one's way, but a conscious attitude of seeking the good of others. When we lay down the desire to control everything, then we can find peace. In fact, Jesus said that his yoke was easy and his burden was light. It is a heavy burden to always fight for control. But the attitude of service and surrender? That takes the burden off of us. And maybe when we do this, we can laugh again.


Jesus wants us to follow him. Literally. And that means selfless service to others.


How did you like the above caption? What is the hardest part about letting go and letting Jesus be in control? What is the greatest blessing from doing this?



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Comment by R Kumar on October 14, 2011 at 4:56am

very good

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