Gajuwaka Churches of Christ

A) Location and Background;
The area is located at the foot of Eastern Ghats (Row of hills in the eastern part of the South India on the East coast of the Bay of Bengal. These Churches are around Pantulugari Meda in Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam city of Andhra Pradesh State in INDIA. The Area is covering 25% of Rural and 25% hill tribes with nearly 125 habitations (small villages) having a population of 5, 80,000. In the Total Population 70% people are living below the poverty line and in Christian population, 95% of the Christians are poor. Rest of the 50% work going on in urban area that is with in the city limits where people are educated and could abele to understand our preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Christ and New Testament pattern.

B) Brief History;
My father was a strong denominational Lutheran Church member and he was an elderly man of the same Church looking after Lutheran mission organization. When Bro Ron Clayton came to India in 1979 in Andhra Pradesh and happened to come to our places and preached the true doctrine. His teaching was heart touching and the people responded to his message especially my father and my house hold members immediately responded and obeyed to His message and taken a daring step to live the Lutheran church organization and joined the whole family along with the whole congregation whom my father is looking after they all have join in the Church of Christ, Church vision which we found as per the Gods word. We honored the word of God and obey to it found Christ is the Head of the Church and we are the members of His body. Immediately we have requested Bro Ron Clayton to give us the waters of Baptism and formed as new church members that is Church Of Christ, started that worship service and breaking of bread. People have observed doing so and they felt very much surprised and could understand word of God carefully, lot of people understood this truth. They were moved from the darkness of the denominational Churches and brought to the morrow less vision of Christ.

In my young age about 16 years old I was fallowing my father and brought up under the admonition of Bible teaching of our dear Brother Ron Clayton who is a wonderful bible teacher who farmed so many Churches of Church Of Christ assemblies around the place called Guntur district in Andhrapradesh.later when I am grown I become a preacher fallowing the same teaching of the BIBLE .I was sent for the theological studies at Chennai. Brother Ron Clayton sent me to under go that course was awarded good certificate which is helpful to conduct the Gods work. Bro Ron Clayton put me in the fulltime ministry an also he performed my marriage as well. Now I am placed with family in the Visakhapatnam (Vizag) city and planting the Churches of Church of Christ work. Have also opened new branches around the city. Particularly I am conducting bible classes for denominational preachers and their members.somany could understand the bible truth and joined with us. They left their Churches.


1. Harvest is Plentiful but the workers are few;
India is a country, which has the second largest population in the world next to china. Though big in population the Christians in our country are less, which is around 3%. Even today there are so many places where the massage of Jesus Christ not yet known.

“Go in to the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16; 15). So we have the responsibility to bring the Gospel to every corner of India. The Christians here are very poor and seeking their livelihood by doing labor work. The main religion in this country is Hinduism, where in people worship trees, animals and idols. There are many places in our country the name of Lord Jesus Christ is yet to be heard.

During the recent days the Christians in India are facing some troubles from the Hindu militancy, which is on the raise now. So hard work shall be done to overcome the problems and for the expansion of HIS Kingdom.

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, and fellowship, in breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2;42)
Due to the denominations the false doctrine is spreading out very fast in India. They are confusing the people and turning away from God. So everybody has entrusted the responsibility by Jesus Christ to preach the sound doctrine i.e. the New Testament Christianity.

We are all in the end days and it is the need of the day to spread the Gospel to welcome His second coming. For this the Christian brethren throughout the universe should be unite and work together.

D) Weekly Bible Classes;
We are Started this schools entire three districs(Visakhapatnam,Vizayanagaram and Srikakulam) in Andhra Pradesh ,India. In a week few of the preachers gathers in a centrally located area and come together for discussing the bible truths for better teaching better understanding by all . Preachers shares their opinions with each other and discuss various matters how to project the love of crucified Jesus his death,burieal and resurrection and also the Christ coming and establishing the new testament church through Apostles as the doctrine of Bible truth from new testament Church of Christ. Preachers learning so many good things and understand more closure by the dissections and feels better. The opinion of the preacher’s shares by each and every one.Coments by every one saying that this system of discussions feels very good and Preachers found better knowledge. We are holding about 12 bible schools where we conduct bible classes in all the areas covering all the churchs.much of the areas preachers looking after the congregations where there is no preacher we are going and assisting the work of the lord where the people are gathering as the Church of Christ pattern.

A good work is established and it is highlighted in this area. The following are the woks taken up by us.
1. Planting New Congregations where there are no congregations in this area, and where there are congregations spreading the false doctrine. There we are establishing new congregations in the true doctrine.
2. Running Sunday Schools in all the congregations.
3. Conducting Out Reach Programmers.
6. Conducting One Day Gospel Meetings preferably in new places.
7. Saving many Souls by Baptizing after Preaching the Gospel of Christ.
8. Encouraging Youth; The Bible says in Psalm 119; 9 that by living according to the word of the Lord, that the youth keep their life pure. Gajuwaka Church of Christ always encourages the Youth, leading them to live according to the word of God to be examples to as many as they come across in life.
9. We had a Team of good Singers and they sing songs, which were written according to the truth, very well in all our meetings.
We would like to put the following requests before you to help regarding the ministry going on here in Visakhapatnam areas.
1. Pray for this ministry regularly as it is a most important way in which you can help this ministry.
2. Pray for the protection of our brethren who are working for Him in difficult and remote Hill Tribe areas.
3. Strengthen us by sending Biblical printed material such as Bibles, Books, Magazines, Audiotapes monthlies etc.
4. We request missionaries in you congregations to visit our place in India to see the work going on here and to strengthen us by sharing the word of Truth.
5. Pray for the 55 Native preachers for their livelihood, as they are very poor.
6. Pray for the construction of permanent church buildings for the above congregations for Conducting worship and meetings. Because 70% of congregations are not having own buildings and the remaining 30% congregations are having "thatched sheds" covered with palm leaves.
7. Pray for the Charity works to be continued by the Churches of Christ.
8. Please tell others about this Lord’s ministry.
9. Please sent any useful information if you have which is helpful to this ministry.

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you’re, that our God may count you worthy of His calling and that by His power he may fulfill every good purpose of your and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ" (II Thess 1; 11-12.)

Thanking you sir,

Yours lovingly,
In HIS Service,

Bro.T.J.R.Benhur Babu.
Church of Christ,
7 – 11 – 25, Pantulugari Meda,
Old Gajuwaka,
Andhra Pradesh,
E-Mail: -
Contact Num: - 09849226671

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Comment by James Nored on September 7, 2012 at 5:18pm

Brother Benhur, it is great to hear of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ and being baptized into his name. It was very interesting hearing of how these works began. 

There are other preachers from India on this site. I hope that this site can help connect you together so that you may help one another in the Lord.

Thank you so much for sharing your story and the work that you doing.

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