How to Reach Our Pragmatic, Relativistic Culture for Christ

We live in a pragmatic, impatient society. There are a lot of theories about a lot of different things out there. But who knows if they are true? Science was recently the ultimate authority. But look at the recent scandal over global warming, where scientists were cooking the books.


Whatever your view on climate change, it makes you wonder what other data is being fixed to fit a particular theory. We are sold every day through advertising on all kinds of claims. But most of the time it is just glossy, photostock pictures and slick marketing. So who do you go to for a lawn company? Your neighbor. He has a great lawn, you trust him, he has no agenda, and so you ask him.


Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (Jn. 14:6). This is true. But it is a truth centered in a person, first of all. Jesus Christ himself is true. He is not primarily pointing to some objective statement. And how did people know that he was true? By his life, his miracles, and his words.


I can't perform a miracle, but I can help people find healing from God in their areas of brokenness. And I can't preach like Jesus, but I still can find words to say that are convicting about Jesus Christ. Serving and sharing in this way are vitally important to reaching people today.


But we must also show people experientially that the Christian faith is true. That if they try it out it will actually make their grass greener, so to speak. That if they come to Jesus, they will indeed find joy, peace, a better marriage, a better life. 


Some are still trying to argue people into heaven. This approach will not win many over, and will probably alienate many. Some seek to try to convince people of the concept of absolute truth, but this is conversion to a concept rather than to Jesus. And Jesus is infinitely more appealing and convincing. Jesus is absolute truth, not some statement. He said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.


We must do two things to reach a pragmatic, relativistic world. First, we must live the Christian life, experience and live out the blessings with Christ, and invite others to join us. If Christianity is true, it ought to be experientially true. And people ought to take note of our "true lives." When we invite them into our lives, they should already see that the grass is greener on the other side. Second, we need to convert people to Jesus, not concepts. He is infinitely more appealing than anything or anyone else.


Where do you see that people today are pragmatic and/or relativistic, and how can we share the gospel in this culture?

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Comment by James Nored on October 29, 2011 at 10:22pm
Yes, Mike, the progression today is experience leads to belief. People also "belong" now before believing. This is totally opposite from the modern paradigm, which emphasized reason first, experience a far distant second. Both are part of being human, and both help us to come to a "knowledge" of truth. In today's culture, experience and belonging usually come first, with belief following.
Comment by Michael Neill on October 29, 2011 at 9:17pm

I think there are those who may not believe in absolute truth but would like to.  They are those that will look to see how we live our lives in community.  When Christians act or threaten to act as a voting block, "to protect our rights."  When people see Christians seeking to act in way that are fully in alignment with current values, they do not see authentic. 


I think when we live our lives in ways that verify that we are concerned with things of the Kingdom to come rather than the kingdom of this world and when they see lives lived peacefully and contented in all situations, they will come to believe in absolute truth because they will see that the Truth changes lives.

Comment by James Nored on October 29, 2011 at 2:56pm

Good question, Adrienne! We do need to teach people to actually speak about their faith, otherwise they may not get the connection from all of this authentic living to Jesus. 

Here are some suggested questions and thoughts:

  • I've had some questions about faith recently. What do you think about God?
  • I'm a person of faith, but I know not everyone is. Where would you say that you are in your faith journey?
  • Last night in our small group we were talking about ______ One of our assignments was to ask three people about this. What are your thoughts?
  • On Sunday, our minister talked about _______. It has really made me think. What do you think about this?
  • Talk about some great experience at your church. Ask them if they are part of a church. Invite them to come.
  • Invite them to a party with other Christians. We have a lot of Friday night game parties. Make this a fun event with food. Then invite them into a small group Bible study or coffee.
  • Work God into your conversation just as he comes to mind. This in itself is enough for them to take note.
  • Ask permission for you to share some God experience with your friend.


Notice that most of the above are questions to ask them about their faith/experience of God. We assume that they have had no experiences, and this is not true. Also, when they share, there is no threat. This is a start!

Comment by Adrienne Caughfield on October 29, 2011 at 1:56pm
I've had a question about this for some time. How do I make that transition from living a true life to speaking about it? My experience is that, while people seem to appreciate authenticity, kindness, and so forth, rarely do they ask about it or even comment on it.  Eventually, if I want to share God's good news, I've got to start the conversation somehow. How does one do this in a culture such as ours without automatically creating an argument or alienating our listeners (which sometimes happens as soon a the word "Jesus" is uttered)?

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