Is the Missional Outreach Network a community?

In my study of community, I came across this article: In Building Communities, Marketers Can Learn From Cults. In the article, the author gives these questions to help determine whether some "gathering" is a true community. I would like for the Missional Outreach Network to be a real community and to grow closer together. So I have listed these questions below, with some possible answers.

  • Does it satisfy a real need? Do its members learn more, have more fun, get more done or get support? Does is have a clearly articulated purpose?
    I hope that this site fills the needs of those with a heart for missional outreach to find like-minded people. The stated "purpose" that I have is "Connecting People & Resources to fulfill the Mission of Christ." These people and resources would include Christians, church leaders, community leaders and members, study materials, book recommendations, music, photos, links, videos, etc.
  • Is it clear about who belongs and who doesn't?
    I have stated that the site is available to people across fellowship who share a common interest in missional
  • Is there interaction between members? Do they contribute, do they participate, do they work together to achieve the common purpose? Being an audience is not a community.
    This is one of the best features of the site.Interaction is built into the technology, and there is a lot of interaction on the site. What could increase this interaction?

  • Do they feel responsibility for each other and the community at large? Are there roles, responsibilities and jobs performed by the membership?
    I think that certain members certainly feel this responsibility towards some. This feeling probably, however, extends most strongly to those members who know one another outside of the online forum. So, to help with this feeling, we could have more events that bring the online community together. For instance, having John Dobbs, Jon Mark, Carlos Acosta, Joe Diaz, and more come out to the seminar helped draw us together more, and has already led to more online interaction.
  • Is it self-policing? Do people censure or eject unruly or unreasonable members?
    We have not had much of this. But I have had people alert me when spammers have hit the site.

  • Are there guidelines, rules, or norms of behavior?
    Respectful dialogue is the unspoken norm, and this has rarely been violated. It is stated on the site that spammers will be ejected.

What do you think of these questions and answers? How can we make MON into a more closely knit community?

Views: 62


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Comment by James Nored on February 25, 2010 at 3:50pm
Great! We'll look forward to hearing about it, Adam.
Comment by K. Rex Butts on February 25, 2010 at 1:56pm
James, I do not live in Minnesota or Wisconsin. However, the reason I believe the churches up there would be open to a seminar on being a missional church (especially a seminar that stretches the imagination a bit) is that every year in September at Black River Falls, Wisconsin there is a preachers/elders retreat organized by Monroe Hawley (you may have heard of his name before) that features quality leaders and thinkers in our fellowship addressing different themes and the presentations are not just to uphold the accepted status-quo but to teach and equip.
Comment by James Nored on February 25, 2010 at 1:20pm
Adam, please let us know about how the New England Church Growth Conference goes. Yes, missional and evangelistic are not synonymous terms. Evangelism is a key part of being missional, but it is not the only component.
Comment by James Nored on February 25, 2010 at 1:18pm
K Rex, I am glad that you see that there would be interest in seminars on missional church up in your area. We need to spread these concepts around!
Comment by K. Rex Butts on February 25, 2010 at 8:11am

In terms of our fellowship, I believe there is a need for seminars on becoming a missional church which are targeted towards existing congregations - their members and leaders. I believe such a seminar would find its best attendance as it takes place within a specific region (e.g., upper midwest). Further, I am quite certain that such a seminar would be welcomed in a local like Minnesota/Wisconsin.

Grace and peace,

Comment by Eric Asante Obeng on February 25, 2010 at 7:33am
thanks for the is good to know brothers and sisters in the Lords church and to strength one another and shared other people experience.
Comment by K. Rex Butts on February 24, 2010 at 10:52pm

I happen to enjoy the layout of this sight...of course I know that from a technological standpoint, managing a a website means always looking for new ways to make it more user-friendly, resourseful, as well as serving the purpose of the website. I really enjoy the work you do and hope to be a more frequent visitor.

Grace and peace,

Comment by James Nored on February 24, 2010 at 2:38pm
Adam, there is now an interesting dynamic developing. More people are meeting their dates and spouse online first than they are meeting them in person. What do you think of this phenomenon? Will younger generations change how we think of community?
Comment by James Nored on February 24, 2010 at 2:16pm
K. Rex., I understand the reluctance to call something online a community. I would say that it is a certain form of community. At its best, online community helps foster in person relationships. At its worst, online community isolates people from people. I want to use MON for the former, as well as be a resource for those interested in missional outreach.

What type of events are you interested in?
Comment by K. Rex Butts on February 24, 2010 at 2:11pm
I find it hard to think of something online as a community however, at some point I would enjoy attending events - provided I have the time and resources.

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