Mission requires an intense focus and selflessness

There are so many wonderful, good hearted people at our church. And this church has been known for having great children's and youth ministry--which is wonderful. I have two young daughters (age 5 and 9), and they benefit from our children's ministry. I am so glad that this has been done very well.

But High Pointe is living proof that having great ministries does not alone reach lost people. In fact, this emphasis resulted in only 5 baptisms from the community over one of the recent 10 year time periods. Five, when McKinney grew by nearly 100,000 people!

Without intense intentionality in reaching the lost--from a lifestyle of reaching out, to the focusing of our ministries on this mission, to church planting--it simply never happens. The natural inward impulse makes mission a mere lip service. With this intentional focus, we have had 30 local baptisms this year already from these efforts, almost all from the community. If we had not actively sought out Latinos, or those who are struggling with financial bondage, or those who are struggling in their marriages, etc., we would not be reaching these people.

Any missionary who went to a foreign country and did what most churches do and emphasize would reach no one. There would be no one to preach to, no one to fill up classes. We must realize that the United States is the 5th largest mission field in the world. We must realize that we are a church that exists to fulfill God's mission--not a church that has mission elements. Even with all of the great strides made in our mission, there are 140,000 people in McKinney, and most of them do not know the Lord.

Any time people are challenged to look beyond themselves, this is difficult. At our core, we are selfish people. But our attitude is to be like Christ, who did not come to be served, but to serve others (Mk. 10:45). Jesus placed following him and self-sacrifice above all else, even one's family: 37 “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me" (Mt.10:37). The fact is that many turned away from this message. But those who got the message, with God's help, began to sacrifice, serve others, and reached the entire world for Christ.

This is the attitude that we must cultivate in ourselves in order to really be outward focused.

Paul said,

5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature a God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7 but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature b of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross! (Phil. 2:5-8)

Found within this passage are the following concepts-
- Seeking - Jesus left heaven to come to earth. He came to us, actively seeking us out.
- Serving - Jesus sacrificed his own comfort, not holding on to his equal footing with the Father in heaven. Instead, he willingly gave up this position to become human and serve others
- Good News (which we Share) - Jesus died for us on the cross, making possible our salvation.

It is a difficult message. But once we take up that cross, sacrifice, and follow Jesus--who came to seek and save lost people--God will greatly bless our lives and our families.

How can we be more intentional about reaching lost people?

Views: 60


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Comment by Jayaraj.E on May 21, 2010 at 5:24am
Dear Brother,
Thank you for good article which will inspired me very much .yes As an evangelist , I agree with your thoughts . there are so many perishing souls without Gospel and sound doctrine in the world . "harvest is plenty workers are few " . so we should commit ourselves to do the best to draw many souls into Christ without selfishness even though we face knotty problems .As for me , I never back to preach the gospel even in knotty problems and trying my best for Gods work. . I pray God for His blessings to do more for His kingdom up in India...
Comment by John Dobbs on May 15, 2010 at 11:00pm
Excellent thoughts, James. I really believe people want to break out of the routine of staleness and stagnation, but are unsure how to do it. Your seminar really opens eyes and gets ideas flowing.
Comment by James Nored on May 11, 2010 at 9:44pm
Laurie, thank you so much for sharing this. I was talking tonight with a former missionary who is now working a "real job" :). He talked about how he really had to think about reaching out at work, and not just get caught up in the job--making deadlines, as you indicated. It must be tough. Would I have the energy and heart to reach out like I do now if I were working in the real world?

It is a great challenge for us all to be selfless. Myself included. Just ask my wife if I struggle with this! (On second thought, don't ask her!) Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us, Laurie. May we all seek to be more like Christ.
Comment by Laurie Langford Bryan on May 11, 2010 at 8:38pm
For me, and maybe others too, the selfless, totally committed servant part of me is often battling the selfish, "me, I, my" part. It is easier to really feel the selfless / servant part when I am engaged in a mission or outreach activity. During these times it is completely natural to reach out and give whatever it takes to help others and minister to their physical and spiritual needs. Then we get to the part of life where you are working 8 - 5 in corporate America. Instead of being the empty vessel God can fill with His Spirit, I can quickly become the aggressive, take-charge business person who looks past people to make sure we meet the next deadline or hit the financial targets. This is something I really have to work on every day. It is disappointing that having been a Christian for so long my servant side is not a more natural role for me in every aspect of my life. Working in a multi-cultural environment I have opportunities to reach out and touch lost souls daily. Not just those who need to hear about Christ but those who need to understand the basics of the one true God. So while I don't have a lot of answers, praying that God will open the eyes of my heart to opportunities has really made a difference. It just seems to take a constant dialogue with Christ to get through some days.

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