Moses is a Model for American Leaders

Or so says Bruce Feiler in a recent Time article ("How Moses Shaped America," October 12, 2009 edition). Apparently there's more to Moses than Charlton Heston or The Prince of Egypt.

Feiler has done his homework. He points to the number of Moses references in the eulogies of George Washington. Of course, the anti-slavery movement in the 1800s used Moses imagery to issue their
own call of "let my people go." And here's one I never would have put together--apparently the Statue of Liberty bears remarkable similarities to paintings of Moses. If you're not sure about that, go
check to see how many depictions of Moses have him bearing the law in his left hand and a staff in his right.

In Moses' farewell, he makes this challenge to Israel: "I have put before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity. Choose life."

The author has this insightful comment at the end of his article: These words capture what may be the most trying lesson of leadership: You may fail, but your legacy is to prepare your followers to succeed without you.

Do you believe in something so powerful that, if success depends on it, you'd be willing to allow others to fulfill your hopes and dreams?

Originally posted November 4, 2009 at

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Comment by James Nored on March 10, 2010 at 11:37pm
trey, you said, "Do you believe in something so powerful that, if success depends on it, you'd be willing to allow others to fulfill your hopes and dreams?" It would seem that this is what John the Baptist did. He said in reference to Jesus, I must become lesser, and he must become greater.

In order to let others fulfill hopes and dreams, we have to be more committed to the cause than to ourselves. And to be selfless is always a challenge.

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