Nehemiah: Step #2 in Rebuilding Our Lives, Families & Communities - Take Action and Initiative


Nehemiah-Rebuilding the Walls from James Nored on Vimeo.

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerses, a Persian, when the people of Israel were in exile in Babylon. When he heard that his home city of Jerusalem was a black, smoldering mess, he was filled with godly sorrow for his sins and that of his people, and he prayed to God. This is the first step in rebuilding our lives, families and/or communities.

The second step is taking action and initiative to change the situation. After his prayer and confession, Nehemiah asked the king to let him go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls there that had been torn down. He did not just sit around and bemoan the situation. He took action.

Having our lives torn down is not fun. It stinks, actually. And we need to mourn, confess, and pray. But we also need to take action to change the situation. Psychologists will tell us that taking action changes us from being victims to gaining back control of our lives.

If this action and initiative is done with prayer, we will be much better off emotionally. And the reality of our situation has a chance to change as well. So, whatever your life situation, ask, What can I DO in this situation that works towards a better future? 

Because Nehemiah took action, Jerusalem was dramatically changed, and thousands of people's lives improved. What can you do to take action and initiative?


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