Please help! - Which of these web addresses do you think spiritual seekers would most respond to?

Hi guys. I am looking for a website address that might be of interest to spiritual seekers, particularly those with a weak church background. Which of the following do you think would be best?

Thanks for the help!


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Comment by Satish on April 25, 2012 at 12:12am
Comment by Genny Cox on April 21, 2012 at 8:17am

I like either the first one or the last one, if someone is looking on the internet I think those would be the ones that would most draw them in, to me at least the other two are more complex and not as likely to speak to the less churched. 

Comment by Tony Whittaker on April 21, 2012 at 5:55am

Thanks James! Obviously your positioning of the site name must match the purpose and intended audience. It would be the difference shown by, for example which is very much for seekers, versus which is aiming to grab people 'further back', often on areas of felt need and life problems, as well as current affairs and other 'bridge strategy' topics. But the further 'back' you can push your website towards people who would not call themselves Christian seekers, the more engagement you may get, though it is a harder challenge. I am very conscious there are lots of people who are not 'Christian seekers' but are seeking after spirituality in general, often in a new agey way, and that it is possible to engage with them if we use appropriate language and starting points. Sadly, there is very little like this that I know of.

Re Internet Evangelism Day  itself, it is a week tomorrow. And sure, anything you can do to share the news would be great! Here's some stuff you could use as it, or adapt:

Blessings and thanks


Comment by James Nored on April 20, 2012 at 10:38pm

A good thing to do if you are using this kind of website as a part of local outreach efforts (not just online dialogue) is to survey people to see which they are most drawn to. This is a part of expressing the gospel in ways that would be good news for one's particular culture.

Comment by James Nored on April 20, 2012 at 10:36pm

Thanks, Dan, for the insight and thought! Spirituality is a generic term that casts a wider net and can include all kinds of things--Christianity, wicca, environmentalism, etc. Thus it has the potential to draw in more than just the Christian crowd. Even Christians are also interested in "spirituality," as you say.

Comment by Dan Grenier on April 20, 2012 at 10:30pm

I might lean more towards SeekingSpiritually and ChristandSpirituality mostly because spirituality is one of those newer key words that a lot of people are seeking to know more about

Comment by James Nored on April 20, 2012 at 5:35pm

Thanks, John! Your perspective is always valuable! But we should indeed ask people who are a bit more unchurched than us too. 

There are other website names that would work too, but these are ones that I own the rights to. 

Comment by John Dobbs on April 20, 2012 at 5:32pm

To choose from among the four, seeking God now is my favorite (as someone raised in the church - my perspective is likely not that valuable). 

Comment by James Nored on April 20, 2012 at 5:28pm

Tony, the chart is coming up now. I will look forward to this year's Internet Evangelism Day - April 29! How can I help with this? Thanks!

Comment by James Nored on April 20, 2012 at 5:27pm

Thanks, Kevin! I appreciate the feedback.

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