From Church Blog Theory
Promoting your blog to others is key to sharing the truth and developing spiritual relationships. In consideration of these strategies, one should never skip the easy or moderate levels. The easy and moderate levels are the most vital to participating in
one-on-one evangelism. The advanced strategies center primarily on making your blog more global.
- Personal Invitation
- Include your blog link in your email signature
- Email an invitation to your contacts
- Put blog address on your business cards
- Link blog address on your family homepage
- Leave flier or business card directing people to your blog in your favorite coffee shop or local hangout
- Comment on other blogs ***VERY IMPORTANT - especially if you are able to identify bloggers in your own community***
Integrate your blog with Facebook
- Ask your church to post links to member’s blogs on their website, in the bulletin and/or in the Sunday morning announcements
- Start a Facebook Group
- Join blogging communities
Technorati and
Blog Catalog
- Join
StumbleUpon and stumble each of your blog posts
Church Blog Theory
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