"I weep over the pain and agony so many of you have experienced in your homes. Through no choice of your own, you had to suffer the anguish of broken families. So few of you enjoyed the security of knowing Mom and Dad would be faithful to each other for life. It saddens me to realize some of you even fear to marry because of the pain you experienced due to your parents’ broken marriages. That your Christian parents got divorced at the same rate as the rest of society is one of the most blatant markers of Christian failure today."
While Sider nails us for making it appear that Christ makes no difference in a home, he also in this same article issues a passionate call for this younger generation (the readers of Relevant) to keep their marriage vows.  Check out the article.  Let us know what you think.

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Comment by James Nored on November 29, 2011 at 9:10am

Hi Richard. Sorry for the delay. I think that I was out of town when you posted this. Sider writes, "The older I grow, the more certain I am the Creator’s design for sex and marriage truly works better than the alternatives." I could not agree more. Our culture is broken culturally. Two movies have come out recently on "No Strings Attached" sexual arrangements---sex without a relationship. We are told that we need to have a healthy attitude towards sex, which means we should just have sex without a relationship. Or outside of a marriage relationship.

Such views are destructive in people's lives. Sex creates a bond, whether pre-marital or extra-marital. And this creates all kinds of heartache and destruction.

I pray for my daughters, for this is the world in which they are growing up in. It is the world in which their future spouse is growing up in. May the world follow Christ in all that he calls us to be and do--including keeping our marriage vows.

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