The Three Column Bible Study Method for Small Groups - No Teacher Required!

Many times churches and/or church planters find themselves short on small group leaders that can lead/teach a small group Bible study, or that what they are teaching is not being applied and lived out.

For those facing these challenges, here is a Bible study method that you might consider. It is called the "Three Column Method," taught in the this video by David Watson (start at the 33:10 mark or so). Watson is one of the key figures in Church Planting Movements (CPM), and CPM uses this methodology in their church plants. 

Here is the simple method:

  1. Have each person take an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper and turn it horizontally. Divide the paper into three columns
  2. Fill the three columns in the following way: 1) 1st Column - write down a Bible verse of Bible passage that you would like to study; 2) 2nd Column - paraphrase the Bible verse/passage and writing it down in your own words; 3) 3rd Column - write down what you learn about God and people in this column, as well as "I will" statements for how you will live out/apply this verse/passage this week in your life
  3. Have each person go around and share their paraphases and I will statements.

The thought is that writing the passage down and paraphrasing it puts the verse at least eight times more firmly in one's mind, and the last column leads to life change. As you can see, no Bible "teacher" is really needed here--just a facilitator. The Holy Spirit teaches through the Word and through each person sharing their thoughts and convicting others.

After the first meeting, a group can open with the following questions:

  1. Where did you see God at work as you lived out your "I will" statements the past week?
  2. Who do you know that is in need that this group might be able to help in some way?
  3. Who or waht do we need to pray for (including prayers for the lost)?

It should be noted that while Watson has used this method to successfully reach many people, the bulk of the converts through this methodology have come in third world or first generation immigrant populations, where community is very strong and the gospel can very quickly spread along network lines. In the US, community is much more fragmented, people are highly individualistic, and many want/expect to have a clear, gifted teacher. Therefore, this methodology may not be the incredible evangelistic tool that it is in other countries.

However, it can still be a useful tool for multiplying small groups and cutting down on the number of official teachers needed, as well as increasing the amount of application that people seek to do each week. Certainly, the above methodology can and should be adapted to one's particular culture--such as pershaps using this method orally, for instance, or making other adaptations as needed

What are your thoughts on the three column Bible study method?

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Comment by David Wesley Spillman on August 20, 2015 at 5:55pm

I like it! It is very simple, easy to do, and "puts skin" in every Bible passage making it relevant and practical for everyday life. I lead a group Bible study in a very low income, addiction infested apartment complex in our city. Over the 4 years of doing so, we have seen God work in amazing ways with many new converts to Christ. This is the church in its realest sense! The discussion is lively and participation is extremely high...which is what makes us community! With this 3 column method, I can see the same being true! Thank-you for the article!

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