What does the world think of churches? Check out these headlines

I did a search today on http://www.digg.com/ on "church" to see what articles would come up with this in the title. Here are some of the article titles that I found and the categories that I have placed them in:

- Mormon Anti-Gay Machine Cranking Up Against IL Civil Unions
- Why Do American Christians Approve of Torture?
- New Proposed Arkansas Law: Take Your Gun to Church
- Soldiers in Afganistan Gives Bibles, Told to "Hunt People for Jesus"
- Disgraced Pastor Ted Haggard Facing New Sex Allegations
- Pastor Had Sex With Daughters to Teach Them How To Be Good Wives
- Two Catholic Priests Stole $8 Million From Church

- Hate on Display: The Westboro Baptist Church Protests the White House
- UK Flooding is God's Judgment on Society
- My Christian Daughter Says I'm Going to Hell

- 16 Victims of the Church of Scientology
- Catholic Church Excommunicated 9 Year Old Rape Victim
- Mormon New Zealand Man Beat Daughter Over Church Refusal
- Thousands Raped and Abused in Catholic Schools in Ireland

Out of Touch/Ignorant
- Why the Catholic Church Can't Ignore Science
- Reason is the Greatest Enemy Faith Has
- Faith Healing Parents Charged in Infant's Death

Not Helpful Spiritually
- Spirituality, not Religion, Makes Kids Happy
- Church Signs That Won't Make You Go To Church
- The Eight Most Bizarre Patron Saints
- 7 Year Old Steals Car to Skip Church, Car Chase Video

With all of this negative publicity, it is easy to see why the world is not big on "church." The implications of this are huge.

First, we must not assume that someone wants to "go to church." Non-Christians are likely to fear that they will be judged, hated, abused, bored, or subjeted to politics at church. This means that impersonal appeals and church marketing will continue to decrease in effectiveness in getting people through the church building doors.

Second, we must create safe, non-threatening and appealing entry points into church life. One of the workers that I know at a Starbucks here in McKinney named Brittany attends a house church in Princeton. Small groups and worship gatherings in homes, coffee shops, book stores, parks, and other non-churchy type of settings are places where we need to invite people to visit.

Third, we must do things which give the church a good name. Jesus told his disciples to do good deeds before people so that they may praise the Father in heaven (Mt. 6:14-16). This means we must do things which impact people and the community and are recognized even by non-Christians as being good. This includes feeding people, clothing people, providing school supplies to needy children, helping the abused and lonely.

As an example, you can read this story of how a family praised God because of how the Clothes Closet... and the High Pointe Church of Christ helped the family after they had lost everything in a fire. I also met one of the school representatives who was up at our building today, coordinating with us on school supplies that the church provides. She talked about how this church helps them so much.

Basically, to change the way the world things of us we must act and be more and more like Jesus Christ. Not focused on ourselves. Not spending on ourselves. Not judging, but loving. Serving. Helping. Would not this type of church impact the world and our communities?

What do you think that we can do to change the world's opinion of us?

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Comment by James Nored on August 20, 2009 at 4:17pm
Chris, too true. Many Christians have the same frustrations with the church that outsiders have. And yes, we must reform and be more fully what God calls us to be, not abandon the church.
Comment by James Nored on August 20, 2009 at 3:56pm
Mike, sadly that is indeed the reaction of the church to outside criticism. Instead of ignoring these critiques or writing them off, we ought to take them to heart. God has often used those outside of his people to critique them, convict them, and call them back to God. Take the people of Ninevah, who repent more fully than Jonah, the prophet of God. Or Elisha, who raises the Shunnamite woman's son--not anyone in Israel. Or Jesus, who constantly upheld the Samaritans as moral role models, maddening the "church folk" of his time.

We must remember that God's spirit is at work in the world and on the hearts of all people. We should listen.
Comment by Chris Campbell on August 20, 2009 at 3:54pm
Well said, Mike. And I think it would be interesting to poll Christians to find out what THEY think of churches. I think we might be surprised at the number of believers who have becomed disenchanted with the politics and bureaucracy of today's church. But I don't think the answer is to abandon the church - I think we have an obligation to make the "bride of Christ" what it was intended to be and hold leadership accountable to that task.
Comment by Mike Ellis on August 20, 2009 at 3:23pm
Praise God that you wrote this. Here is what will happen in response to this kind of information. This is how the church responds to this type of information: "The world doesn't have a clue!" "Turn or Burn" "We don't want those kind of folks in our church anyway" This article or post is a good reason for every church leader to read a great book called "UnChristian" Great book chock full of research. We, the church, are be biggest obstacle to people coming to the Kingdom. Not Jesus. We are the problem. Not Jesus.

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