In case you missed them, here are the first two blog posts in this series:
Why are Churches of Christ Shrinking - Part 1: A Left-Brained Fello...
Why are Churches of Christ Shrinking - Part 2: Failure to Understan...
And, in a positive series, here is the first post:
Why Do Churches of Christ Have a Hope and a Future - Part 1: - A Re...
If you have followed this series, then you can dive right into this post. If you have not, I suggest that you go back and read the other posts. However, if you grew up in Churches of Christ, the following discussion will be totally familiar to you.
In this post, I would propose that a further reason that Churches of Christ are shrinking is due to a misplaced identity, which I will address first, and a failure to truly believe in grace (which I will address secondly). Jesus said that his followers would be known by their "love for one another." Here is the quote:
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35).
And yet, despite this clear command and the way that his followers will be known as his--their love for one another--Churches of Christ have tended to place their identity in something else. Churches of Christ have placed their identity--that which they hold most dear and which makes them "distinctive," the way that you know a church is a church of Jesus Christ--by something else entirely. That identity is not placed in Christ and our love for one another, but in having the right, well, you know what it is. The right name, worship, and leadership structure, and a host of other things.
Consider this sermon series that is on the web that is based upon Leroy Brownlow's book, Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ:
Now, I am not here to debate the above issues. I will simply point out a few things. First, in no instance is "love for one another" listed as an identifying mark in this list--and this is what Jesus said that the primary identifying mark of his disciples would be. If you were looking for the church of Jesus Christ, would you not be looking for the group that was just overflowing in its love for one another, since that is what Jesus said would mark his disciples?
Second, I would say that no distinction is made between matters of first importance and other issues. And yes, Scripture itself--and Jesus himself--made distinctions between matters of importance. Paul spoke of the gospel as being of first importance (1 Cor. 15:1f). Jesus spoke of the greatest and second greatest command (Mt. 22:37-39). And many of the things that we have emphasized most and made fundamental to our identity are simply not at the core of the gospel.
Third, historically, we have tended to be more zealous about many of the less fundamental items in Leroy Brownlow's list (and others like it) than we have about the gospel itself. It is hard to imagine finding someone in the first century who is facing death for his or her faith in Jesus Christ thinking that their primary task, that the center of the gospel, was to spread the good news about having the right leadership structure and the right organization and the right church name. This was not why the women ran out of the tomb on Resurrection Day! This is not what the disciples took their stand upon and gave up their lives for.
In this discussion of passion, am reminded of Paul's words about his Jewish brothers. He said this in Romans 12:1-4:
"Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. 2 For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 3 Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. 4 Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes."
The Jews' problem was not that they followed the Old Testament. It was that they misapplied their zeal. They were zealous for God, but they thought that the way to be right before God was to be right. Rather than accept Christ and his sacrifice as the way to be right before God, they sought to establish their own righteousness--a righteousness of being zealous for the Law. Now, before we are too hard on the Jews, let us remember that the Law was their Bible. Have you ever read Psalm 119? It is an acrostic written in Hebrew, with 8 verses for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet talking about how much the Psalmist loves the Law (or teaching or doctrine--these all mean the same thing) -- of the Lord. It is very easy to get misplaced zeal, including people who love God. And Paul does not deny that the Jews very zealous for God. He loved them and wanted them to find true salvation--which did not come through law/teaching/doctrine, but through Christ.
You see, Christ was the culmination of the law/teaching/doctrine. He was the one that all of Scripture pointed towards. Jesus said, "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me" (John 5:39). Jesus was speaking to people who knew their Bibles backwards and forwards. After the captivity, and the Jewish people's failure to follow God, they thought that the pathway to salvation was knowledge of and obedience to the Scriptures. And Jesus said that they thought that that was the pathway to eternal life. But of course, it is not the Scriptures that bring eternal life. It is Christ. He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Truth is centered in a person, Jesus Christ. All of Scripture pointed towards him, towards the absolute, fundamental need for a Savior, for the utter helplessness of humanity to save itself. And they absolutely missed him, though he was standing right in front of him.
I would not say that our people think that they can be saved without Christ. But we do seem to have huge swaths of people and churches that think that salvation is Christ---plus all of that other stuff above. And if you don't get that other stuff right, well, you are lost. Go through and read our periodicals, the transcripts of our lectureships, what is on website and bulletin articles, what is on the lips and hearts of our people. The incredible zeal behind all of these other issues is driven by a fundamental belief that we--or our children or grandchildren--are lost if they get these other things wrong--even if they are a believing, confessing, baptized follower of Christ.
This is a synergistic salvation--the blending of two different types of salvation together: salvation by Christ and salvation by being in the right church with the right name, leadership structure, worship, etc. This synergistic blend is very seductive, and we are hardly alone in this. In fact, this was the natural, intuitive view of much of the early church. Yes, salvation was by Christ. But people also had to obey the Law of Moses.
This was what triggered the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Paul had started converting the Gentiles, which was surprising in and of itself, that God would save them at all. But some well-intentioned, zealous, but misguided believers came all the way from Judea down to Antioch, telling people, “Unless you are circumcised,according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved" (Acts 15:1). And Peter rescued the church and the gospel from being hijacked by saying,
"8 God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9 He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are" (Acts 15:8-11).
Now here is something that I just noticed. Not only does Peter emphasize that salvation is given to us by God and the Holy Spirit, that it comes through simple faith/trust, and that it is by the grace of God. He says, that is not only how they (the Gentiles) are saved--that is how we are saved. We are saved by grace, not by the Law/teaching/doctrine/the Bible. That is a yoke which no one ever has been able to or ever will be able to bear. And yet, many seem to think that we can indeed perfectly follow God's commands, and that that is how we are saved. Yes, we are saved by Christ. But also by having the right structure, organization, worship, etc. And that concept of salvation being by Christ plus something else, as seductive as it is, is absolutely antithetical to the gospel. Paul says about those who promoted this synergistic gospel of works that he wishes that they would emasculate themselves (Gal. 5:12). The "other gospel" that Paul gets really worked up against in Galatians is not Mormonism (though that is a false gospel as well), but the gospel of salvation being Christ + something else.
I think there are two events in my life that really taught me the gospel of grace, and that our identity is found through Christ and our love for one another. The first was the death of a sweet, innocent 13 year old girl named Chelsea. She was a girl in our youth group when I was a youth minister. She was very young for her age, and had a beautiful heart. The pages of her Sunday Bible school notebook were so God saturated. We found out that she had leukemia on a Wednesday--and by that Friday she had passed away. That was the very first funeral that I ever did.
The second event was when I studied with the grandfather of one of our members. He was 82 years old, and he could not speak. But he wanted me to study with him and share the gospel. And as I did, tears streamed down his face. I asked him if he wanted to accept Christ and be baptized. He said yes. And so we baptized him that day in his bathtub. He died two days later.
I feel confident that both of these precious people will be in heaven. Chelsea as she was pure and innocent and had not yet reached that awareness of sin in her life. And the older man, who accepted Christ and was baptized at the end of his life.
Now, how much from Leroy Brownlow's list did this man know? Almost nothing. And yet, was he saved? Absolutely. Why? Because, as Peter said, salvation is a gift from the Holy Spirit that comes through faith and by the grace of Jesus Christ. That is it. And yet, in the thinking of so many of our people, if that older man had studied after his baptism and come up with a different view of say, Revelation and held a premillennial view, or went to a church that had the wrong structure or some element of worship, or any number of things, he would be lost. In such a view, it would be better for him to die or never leave his room rather than risk making a wrong decision or having a wrong belief and being lost!
So, why is our identity placed in the wrong things, and why do we find the gospel of grace so hard to accept? And how might this cause us to be shrinking? Well, first, our identity became placed in these things because these were many of the issues that were being discussed at the time our movement began. People then were asking, what is the right church? How do I know that I am saved? Etc. Now, there were a lot of other issues, like unity, not the only Christians, liberty, and such, but many of these other things were forgotten or re-directed.
Second, the gospel of works is very seductive. Grace seems to be too good to be true. I have fallen into this seduction before too. And so have other Christian fellowships--we are not the only ones who struggle with this. It is human nature to trust in ourselves and what we can see more than in God. The parable of the workers that Jesus tells, where the guy who works an hour at the end of the day (like the older man who was baptized) is paid the same as the guy who works all day, assaults our sensibilities. We like hanging our hat on something that we can see and touch. But this breeds either despair (at not being able to follow God completely) or pride, arrogance, and condemnation (because we think we have it altogether--that we have "fully" restored New Testament Christianity and others have not).
Third, the reason that this issue is causing us to shrink is multi-faceted. Our world today is no longer asking, which is the right church? They are asking, Do I believe in God? Which God is the right God? And, if they are thinking about church, which church is the most loving and the most like Christ? Which one is making the most impact upon the community? And the more that we push non-essentials and do not address these questions that people are asking, the more that people tune us out and push us away. And younger people in particular are being driven away by this. They truly are looking for a church (if they are looking) that is known for its love, grace, and centeredness in Jesus Christ. If they find this in our fellowship, they may just accept some of these other issues. But if we lead with the right name, structure, organization, worship, and this is why you should come here and be a part, they simply will not, by and large, care. And they likely will tune us out entirely.
I analyze culture, and so this is a cultural analysis. However, we must remember that God is at work in culture too. God used the civil rights movement to break down cultural barriers in churches. And he may be at work in our culture too, using this culture to tell us not to be judgmental and so certain in ourselves. That we ought to be more loving. That we ought to be concerned about the people that Jesus was concerned about. That we ought to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the hurting, and free the captive. Remember, our identity is not found in our being right. Our identity is found in Jesus Christ--and we will be known as his disciples by our love for one another. Those are Jesus' words. And the Scriptures all point towards him.
Where do you think Churches of Christ have placed our identity? Where should our identity be found? What should be our primary "identifying" markers?
Rocky, many have had a "grace struck moment," when they realized the true meaning of grace. It is profound, and for those that have experienced this, a moment they will never forget.
Paul, yes, we have many unwritten creeds that are written in stone as much as any formal creed. Maybe more so, for we believe that our beliefs are "simply the Bible." But others who are truly Bible believing Christians often come to different conclusions.
Theophilus, I too agree that a true understanding of God's grace ought to propel us to even greater levels of service to God. Paul talked about grace more than anyone, and yet he worked passionately and endlessly for the Lord.
Joy, you indicate that people approach baptism just as a command to be checked off. This may be true for some. Current disciples are commanded to go forth and baptize in the Great Commission. For the person needing to be baptized, baptism is an expression of trust in Jesus Christ. On a practical level, it is hard to command someone to trust someone else. That is why baptism is a decision that a person has to make for themselves.
As to people's final destination and all of the hypotheticals related to that--I leave all of these decisions to God. I am glad to do this, as this is above my pay grade. And I am sure that he will make the right decision every time.
This opens another can of discussion, but Chelsea and grandpa were saved by the sovereign act of God through Jesus Christ when they accepted and placed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, putting their trust and life in Him. Water baptism signifies that the church on earth accepts into fellowship those whom God has saved and already accepted. It is obedience for the church, not the new creation. Water baptism is important, but it cannot be the human gate for the grace of God.
I am warmed by these words. It was this realization I was given by the Holy Spirit when I was a student at Pepperdine in 1967. I do ask one thing however. At what point were the 13-year old Chelsea and the 82-year old grandfather saved? What if either, after professing their faith but before being baptized, had died. I maintain from Ephesians 2:8-9 they were saved by their faith and not by their obedience to baptism.
"Grace, 'tis a charming sound, melodious to the ear." Yeah, that's nice. So, what about that? Grace, like many subjects, is understood at two levels -- the intellect and the heart. As you have pointed out before, the CoC has a tradition of approaching the scripture with the intellect (justify your interpretation) and the heart tags along (be sincere, or at least be intensive). Many in the CoC are beginning to understand grace as a replacement for legalism, but the CoC grace is not a replacement for faulty doctrine, it IS the doctrine. Too many people have an amalgam of legalism they used to have (replaced by grace) and legalism they still have (doctrine). Many churches and Christians learn that they are freed from legalism by grace, but they don't know what to do with that. We aren't freed in order to do nothing -- we do the works that God has prepared beforehand that we should do (Eph. 2:10). Then church leaders think they know the works that God has for you do to, and they give you a list and call it "our vision" or "discover your gift" or "missional." (Sorry). At least anything in the last sentence is better than recycling in the immaturity of inadequately understood grace, but it is still less than our "high calling in Christ Jesus." People who are grace-filled are actually busier than those who are possessed by legalism -- it's just different things for a different reason. One grows us to be more like God; the other doesn't.
Thanks for another spot-on post, James! For a church that professes no particular creed but the Bible itself, we sure can develop lists of requirements, can't we? The list presented from Leroy Brownlow's book is very similar to what I've seen / heard as well.
We are saved by grace, not by works, lest any shall boast, but the church seems to uphold the "identification checklist" as if it were some type of to do list or as John commented, something to do, work to be sure of, and check off the list. If you do all these things, and work to meet all these conditions, then you are "bonafide".
I'm not pursuing some type of "one light, many lamps" philosophy. If you go to a car dealer and purchase a blue 4x4 truck, and the dealer tells you to wait while they clean it up and gas it up and then they bring you back a four dour red sedan, you're not getting what you purchased. Yes, it's a vehicle, but it's not the vehicle you paid for. Does it have some similar attributes to what you paid for? Yes! It has wheels, a motor, seats, etc., but you paid for a specific vehicle. The vehicle you paid for has completely different attributes that set it apart from the one in front of you. The type of vehicle is a truck, the color is blue, its a 4x4, etc.
Likewise, the attributes of the gods of many world religions are in some ways similar to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and the religions have some attributes similar to Christianity, but the gods of these religions have completely different attributes that make them completely different gods altogether.
However, when we delve into a discussion like that presented in your post, it seems the church tends to stand by the identity list to name further attributes to further set apart the church from denominational-ism. That's fine, too, but often the church goes the additional step of using the list to say that the God worshiped in the denominational church down the street is a completely different God than what is being worshiped at the local church of Christ. "Their god" is being worshiped with instruments. "The true God" is not pleased by that worship, so they are worshiping a different god. - There, we've exposed their fruitless deeds of darkness! Or rather, they may be worshiping the true God, but they're doing it incorrectly (not in spirit and in truth) so they are in danger of Hell. I've heard both approaches. Many times we are too legalistic and too logical for our own good!
As I said in my previous comment under your "Part 2" post, I've been to denominational services. They use the same Bible, preach Christ as the pathway to salvation, preach Christ crucified and risen, salvation through faith, faith through hearing, hearing through the Word, saved by God's grace, and the blood of Christ. I submit that they have a blue 4x4 truck, it just has a different trim package. The church has stoically and legalistically ground its wheels into fighting denominational-ism when we should be engaging a culture - a culture that is asking the questions you've presented above.
I certainly appreciate your posts and the opportunity to comment and I thank you for what you're doing here.
Speak forth, brother! May I add one more place where we are failing ( in many congregations I have visited not all)..We have even turned the matter of baptism into a mere command (item to be checked off). We have turned it into a command that has become a "work of man" (this is what I MUST DO) to be saved, instead of a work that God performs (Col 2:12). If we are to be truthful about this operation, it is the point of faith where we "Call on God" (Acts 22:16) to do HIS WORK. When we stop thinking that WE have done anything but submit to our Lord, we turn even baptism into a check list (get it done and we are saved). The "Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, and be Baptized" (5-finger sermon) places all the emphasis of salvation upon “us”.
What we often fail to see is an emphasis upon the Grace of God and how He Works in our salvation. Why should we “call upon God in our baptism?” We should go into baptism as Christ did (Luke 3) praying! Praying for God to do His work! What work does God do in baptism (while we submit)? Eph 1 tells us what God does when we submit to the blood of Christ. He makes us holy and blameless, forgives us of our sins, gives us an inheritance and the Holy Spirit. He gives us hope, a new name, new mission, new purpose, new life, and new family. God does a tremendous amount of work in baptism…
The Holy Spirit always gives Christ the glory for every spiritual blessing which is found in Christ. Next to each spiritual blessing in our Bible are phrases like, “in Him”, “through Him”, “in Christ”, “by Christ”. If you find one of these phrases, look next to it to find what God has done for you who are “in Christ”. Our Gospel must declare the work of God and not the work of man. To be saved, we must “sanctify Christ as Lord of our hearts” (! Peter 3:15) and submit. We submit to the power of God through the Word. We submit to the power of His righteousness by repenting. We submit to the power of His grace in baptism. We submit to a life of transformation through His Spirit. We praise His name among the nations because of the power of His relationship with us. We need to put the power and grace of God first and foremost in our Gospel because it is only through His transforming power that we can become a loving fellowship, merciful and full of grace.
Yes, John, I think that you are correct. And by checking these things off, we feel very good about ourselves--and can very easily slip into being condemning of others.
Jesus decried those that focused on outward things and not inward things. We would do well to listen to him.
Keep spreading the true gospel, my friend!
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