Francis Chan Endorses Baptism, Rejects Sinner's Prayer

Francis Chan is a powerful speaker who really lives out his faith, having planted a church that gives away half of its income to the poor, and now, leaving a megachurch to plant a church in downtown LA. In this clip, from the DVD series on Crazy Love, Chan says that we should check and make sure that our beliefs are biblical. Chan says that the "sinner's prayer" is really not found in the Bible as the pathway to becoming a Christian, but that repentance and baptism into Christ are the pathways that are found. This quite profound conclusion by this well known speaker could impact a lot of people's thinking on this subject.

What do you think about Chan's thoughts on this subject? Please share below.

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Comment by James Nored on November 27, 2010 at 9:17pm
Peter, we have all kinds of assumptions, and because we tend to be ahistorical (I don't care what Alexander Campbell, believed, I just want to follow the Bible), we are unaware of these assumptions. This is why it is good for the different Christian fellowships to dialogue with one another so that we do not blindly look over something from the text, and why going back to Scripture is always good.
Comment by Peter Horne on November 27, 2010 at 8:51pm
I wonder how churches of Christ would look different if we just "started from scratch"? Of course, that's impossible, but still humbling. Thanks for sharing the clip. Maybe we're not a bunch of weirdos for believing that baptism's part of God's plan for connecting with humanity.
Comment by Ann Dunagan on November 27, 2010 at 7:54pm
When we preach the Gospel, we totally proclaim the necessity of repentance, and turning from sin, and the justice of God that was paid through the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. We preach the resurrection, and whole-hearted surrender, and water baptism, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. AND we also pray with people to turn their lives over the Jesus. Do I see this is the Bible? Could I find this in the Bible alone? Absolutely. What about Romans 10:9, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." That's in my Bible, and I'm sure it's in yours too. Or what about Acts 2:21 AMP, "21And it shall be that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [[f]invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord--Christ] shall be saved.(A)" -- and Romans 10:13, "13For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord [invoking Him as Lord] will be saved.(A)" I praise God for the people that Francis Chan is leading to the Lord, but I know many who have entered the kingdom of God beginning with a prayer of surrender -- and repentance -- and turning away from sin. Or course, it doesn't end there, with "just" a prayer. But let's rejoice with the angels, who rejoice as sinners are won to Jesus!!! Jesus himself said in Luke 15:7, "There is more JOY in heaven over one sinner who repents" -- that sounds to me like a moment when a sinner repents and is brought into the kingdom of God. It's in the Bible, and leading people to Jesus is what I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do!!!! Such radical JOY!!! The thief on the cross didn't even have a chance to get baptised (which I totally believe in and love), but this man simply looked over and poured out his heart to Jesus, he acknowledged his sin, turned to God, and simply asked, with humbleness to be remembered in heaven. And that guy, based on the words of Jesus himself, was saved. It is biblical. So is baptism, and so is growing in faith through discipleship and wholehearted surrendered life.
Comment by James Nored on November 27, 2010 at 1:25pm
Bruce, I get what you are saying about the many things that God gives us to interpret his Word. The idea that we can just pick up a Bible, without any context or background, and all come to the same conclusion every time is a restoration and reformation ideal that is not reflected in reality. And most of the time, when someone goes off on his or her own and comes up with something no one has every thought of before, we have a word for this: heresy.

Baptism being linked to conversion/salvation, of course, is not a new idea, but one that was definitely held by Christians for centuries.

You have brought up some good nuanced ideas on this. Thanks!
Comment by Bruce Bates on November 27, 2010 at 10:04am
Thanks for the video James. I reposted it to FB. This was my comment: "Very thought provoking video. I'd guess I'd add to it that God gives many things to help us interpret his Word. The Spirit gives us great biblical scholars, teachers, writers, church traditions, the history of interpretation, and his collective voice through the church to interpret his Word. But every now and then, the deserted island motif helps us examine our practices."

Pretty cool to see him take on a sacred cow like sinner's prayer. I loved "Crazy Love" too. Kind of preached through it last year.
Comment by James Nored on November 26, 2010 at 4:31pm
Thanks, my boomer friend, for sharing this. Chan'sbook, Crazy Love, is really catching on. Lantz Howard, our youth minister, is going through this with our youth.

As to being challenged in our "comfortable" Christianity, this probably applies to 95% of American Christians. I hope that this is part of the Holy Spirit's attempt to wake us all up. Looking forward to being transformed along with you, my friend.
Comment by John on November 26, 2010 at 3:37pm
I was first introduced to Frances Chan by my youth-minister son, who showed a Chan video at a life group meeting my wife and I attended. The video was a bit strange, but I chalk it up to the fact I'm a boomer. :-)

After a friend read me a few selections from Crazy Love, I bought and downloaded the ebook version to my Cruz Reader and am working my way through it (in chapter 2 now). Chan has an amazing ability to cut through all the clutter and get to the heart of the matter. He has already challenged my "comfortable" Christianity and I both look forward to - and fear - the transformation I anticipate will occur.

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