MSNBC Interviews Rob Bell on Heaven and Hell

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Comment by James Nored on March 29, 2011 at 7:01pm
This is a pretty good response from the Evangelical Alliance regarding Rob Bell's book and the issues therein.
Comment by James Nored on March 28, 2011 at 7:41pm
Sean, thanks for sharing this perspective. I'm sure that there is indeed confusion on this. It is a challenging subject.

Garth, I understand your position here. Certainly, people are far too quick to write others off. This is a difficult subject, no doubt. And our salvation is not based upon having perfect understanding! It is based upon God's work through Jesus Christ and our faith in him.
Comment by Sean Dulock on March 28, 2011 at 6:20pm
@James: yes i think it is a topic that would interest the high schoolers, or at least it is a subject we should be concerned about. i think the culture we live in, and the schools we go to, have done a great job of creating confusion about heaven and hell. we are all being pushed by the world to be agnostic or simply luke warm when it comes to our faith. this is something we definitely need to have a solid position on, especially for those of us who are about to go to college and out into the world.
Comment by James Nored on March 22, 2011 at 1:51pm
Thanks, Ann, for the links and for your perspective. This is indeed an opportunity to talk about these important subjects. As soon as I read the book, I will be commenting more. Right now, I'm just reading through the eyes of others and partial quotes.

Tim Spivey is a minister in our fellowship who used to be in the Dallas area. I know him and his wife. Interesting that you found.
Comment by Ann Dunagan on March 22, 2011 at 12:46pm

This is a fascinating debate about real-tough questions people are asking:


Is God really good? And is He really all-loving? And all-powerful?

How can a loving God send people to hell?

Does it matter how we respond -- in this life -- to the Gospel and the Cross of Jesus Christ, or is there a back-up plan in the afterlife to ensure that everyone has access to heaven?


Oh my!  Heaven. Hell. Eternity. Christian doctrine being debated among Christian leaders, Bible scholars, and even secular talk-show hosts. What an opportunity to seize right now, to share the Gospel with people who are lost, and to motivate Christians for eternal purpose.


Here are a few links I've found interesting:


Rob Bell and Hell - An interesting theological lesson from Regent University school of Divinity about synergists --Wesleyans, Arminians, etc. -- vs. Reformed -- Calvinists, etc. and how free-will vs. predestination views relate to this debate.

Rob Bell: Universalist? - Justin Taylor - This article got lots of attention from John Piper's little three word tweet "Farewell Rob Bell" -- God Wins - A Review of Rob Bell's Love Wins - from a former fan who believes Rob Bell has gone too far.



, and as mission-minded believers we better have solid biblical answers for

Comment by James Nored on March 18, 2011 at 1:36am

Sean, the book just came out, and so I'm holding off a bit on commenting until I have read it. What I have seen so far has been very vague. Is this a subject that you think people your age have interest in?

Comment by Sean Dulock on March 17, 2011 at 11:10pm
I have read "Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith" by Bob Bell, and i remember reading passages that could potentially lead readers down a path of universalism. It seems like velvet elvis can function to warm readers up to his new book. hmmmm....
Comment by Sean Dulock on March 17, 2011 at 10:19pm
I was actually wanting to buy this book but i don't know if i will anymore.......
Comment by James Nored on March 16, 2011 at 10:23pm

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