The subject of Christians and their role in government has long been debated. Since today is voting day in Texas, I thought that this would be a good subject to discuss. 

In my own fellowship of Churches of Christ, there was President James Garfield, who had a restoration heritage. Then there was David Lipscomb, who eschewed any involvement of Christians in government.

What is the proper view?

1. What do the Scriptures indicate about Christian's involvement in government, from voting to holding government jobs to lobbying? 

What do you find in the Old Testament with Israel, in the New Testament with Jesus and the gospels, and in the New Testament in the writings of Paul and John (Revelation)?

2. If Christians support the use of laws to enforce morality on issues like homosexuality, should the law/government be used for other moral issues--such as taking care of the poor, providing food, health care, etc.? 

Usually, if a Christian supports one of these uses of the law/government, they do not support the other use. Why is this?

3. Does Christianity thrive better with a "Christian" (state-supported) government, with a hostile, pagan government, or with a government that does not support or persecute any religion?

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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Donna Wiggins : We need to vote in accordance with our faith but sometimes it hard. You want to just blend in - go with the flow. Polticians say one thing and do another. But you can't give up on the reason why you voted for him/her because they change their mind or misrepresent what they really planned to do. What about Daniel? (ch 6)
Donna, Daniel is a good example of God's people participating in government. Daniel was forced into this, but the narrative clearly puts a positive spin upon Daniel's participation. It was fraught with challenges, like other government officials trying to get him killed. But because of Daniel, King Darius ends up sending out a proclamation to praise the God of Israel.

There are other voices in Scripture to consider on this issue, but Daniel presents an important viewpoint and example of Christians' role in government.
Hello James.

I think you meant James Garfield instead of Grover Cleveland. LBJ and Reagan also had ties to the Restoration movement. I am not much help at answering your questions. I was once where Lipscomb was in my thinking. He certainly was a great man of God.

I do think you make a good point in number 2 at the end. Since God is GOOD, would not all GOOD laws originate with Him? It would seem so. Caring for our fellowman would seem to fall right in there with other moral laws like,"You shall not steal". But I think it has all become blurred with the corruption of our government in both parties. As an example, The Senator from Kentucky who at first stood against passing a bill that would help thousands get more funds for unemployment. The media made it seem as though he wished not to help these people. But in reality that was not it at all. There is no money to help these people was his whole point.

As for your third question, it is not popular today but I am convinced that the fathers of our nation were trying to found a nation based on Christian teachings and up until the last few decades it has been a better nation for that reason.

As for the first question, Paul certainly was not afraid to stand before the political leaders of his day and present Christ. You mention Daniel. There is also Esther (a Queen), Ezra and Nehemiah.

Just a few thoughts, have a great day in Him,
Gerry Parker
Trey, there was definitely a mix of religious views amongst the founding fathers. I think that what was not intended by them was a jettisoning of all religious discussion from the public square.

Trey Finley said:

Thank you for having the courage to bring up a touchy subject. As the previous commenters have noted, there are many Scriptural examples to consider when determining how to best approach a Christian's approach to government. I'm there with men like John Yoder and David Lipscomb. I'm certain Gerry and I could have an outstanding conversation on the religious strains influencing our founding fathers who were Deists, Congregationalists, and Episcopalians, among others.

I can tolerate other people's views when they differ from mine on this one. What saddens me are those who insist that following Jesus requires that we vote for a particular party or particular person.

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