One of the greatest confrontations that individuals face in church is music. Music is the most powerful force in the world. It can either build you or destroy you. God made everything in the world especially music. He receives it when its done to praise him or glorify him. Letting go of the habits of the past is very difficult and may seem impossible in a human's eyes but God says that everything is possible for those that believe in him. We must believe with faith and trust that he will take away the things that hinder us. As children of God we must be seperated from sin and worldly desires. When a person becomes friends with the world the Lord states that he is his enemy. Does this mean that any worldly desire can turn us into enemies of God? The answer is yes. We are not perfect and as humans we sin by nature but giving into worldly desires will indeed keep us away of the glory of God. When David played the harp demons that tormented Saul has no choice but to leave. Demons cannot hold or be still when a person's worship is heard by God. When our worship has the annointing of God, things happen. The atmosphere begins to change when God is pleased with our worship. Worldly songs do not worship God but they are intended to worship Satan. Most of these worldly singers or artists are fornicators, adulterers or drug atticts. The demons that are in these people can penetrate through their music to cativate any soul that lends their ears to it. Listening to worldly music will hold your soul hostige. You will feel a burden that is uncontrollable. As christians we must stay away from lending our ears to music that is just binding our souls up when we can be worshipping God and being a tool in the hands of the Almighty. Music can change the atmosphere and especially your life. We are God's flock and he is not pleased when his flock is wondering around and becoming involved with the world. We must live in holyness according to his word. Nobody is perfect but the first step in becoming a better christian is admitiing our faults and changing them into our victory.

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T&J, thanks for sharing your thoughts on music. I love music, and believe that it is a great gift from God. Do you think that any song that is sung by or written by a non-Christian is wrong?

I have struggled with this thru-out most of my life. Particularly, the "is listening to non-christian music wrong?" part.

I started writing and an hour later I have several paragraphs. No, i'm not going to post them here. But here is the "short version". Music fuelled my rage; not the physical kind most think of when rage is mentioned. i raged against any authority, all things that oppressed freedom. In the process, I was enslaved to that rage. I could (and have) write at length about it. But this is about music. The music, specifically the lyrics, that i listened to fanned the fires of rage in me, and I liked it. So, here is what I learned...
-- God gave us brains, heart, and His Word. We are encouraged to exercise discernment in all that we do. --
-- God gave us music, too.
-- Music is infectious. It infects hearts, minds, and others. This can be good or bad. So, pay attention to the lyrics and what the artists support by their actions. Music is a way to express our own thoughts and feelings. It also enables us to share another's thoughts and feelings. In effect, we can use our minds to choose the music we listen too so that we can affect change in ourself!
-- As discerning followers of Christ, we can use our God-given minds to choose what we "set our minds on". Colossians 3, Galatians 5.
-- Listening makes us feel part of a larger whole. (but a whole what?) When we talk about music with others, or we listen to music with others we feel part of something. Humans like to feel part of something. As messengers of God's plan of salvation, we are already a part of something. Something big! Something important! Something Eternal!

Be discerning about which music you listen to, and which artists you support.
Is all non-christian music bad? No. It may be more difficult to find non-christian music that has a good message. It is even harder to find an artist who's lifestyle and actions are those you wish to support. (same goes for record labels) on the flip side: Are all christian artists good? Not necessarily. Still, be discerning about what you put in your mind.

So, Ask yourself "Does the music I listen too encourage Godly thoughts?" "Does this artist promote what I believe in?" We are passionate _and_ reasoning beings. God made us that way. God gave us hearts to fuel our passion, and God gave us minds to direct where that passion.

Garbage in, Garbage out. ;) (I despised that saying for a long time, but its true)
- WB
PS that discernment, it can be used in all parts of life, not just music. tv, movies, churchs, friends, what company you work for, what food you eat, etc...
one more thing: many years ago, I found a radio station "kvrk" powerfm 89.7 around DFW in texas. they play good christian music anywhere in the DFW area (on on the web). They are listener supported. So, you can help first hand to keep a great music ministry alive in the area.

Thank you for your comment! Many people do not want to accept the truth because they want to continue livig a lie. They don't understand that demons can enter individuals through the music that they hear. God bless you!!

I am talking about discernment, not demons. That is another topic. I'd be careful trying to blame demons for a person's own choice. I have witnessed too many people trying to BLAME "demons" instead of accepting responsibility of their own choices and actions. *Demons are real, so don't get me wrong.* I just see too many trying to absolve themselves of sin by passing the buck. "the ___ made me do it." Blame passing is an insidious lie given to us by the devil. It also blocks forgiveness. One can't accept forgiveness for something they don't believe they are responsible for. What a horrid trap!

Think about that person who doesn't want to accept this "truth". Do not judge him, that is God's realm. We are to love him, as Jesus loved the adulterous woman at the well. He hates sin (the rebellion against God's design, His will). But was he in anyway disrespectful to her? (or any other sinners he came in contact with) No!! He told her the solution to sin: The Truth of God's Love and His Plan of Salvation. As His followers, we hate sin too. As His followers we are to love. Remember that when you interact with others (weather they are christian or not) you are representing Jesus to them! Will they see Jesus in your actions, or will they see just another self-righteous, two-faced religious bigot?

The discernment i speak of is self-enforced, not enforced upon one by another. Remember the verse about the a brother attempting to remove the splinter from another's eye while his own view is obstructed by a log? (Luke 6)

May God guide you in your service to Him, and your bringing His Message to the world.
I will keep you and this person whom you are concerned for in my prayers. Prayer is so powerful. It keeps your heart open to God's will for you, and comforts the pain you feel.
I know how hard it is to love someone who is rebelling. I have been the one rebelling, and, praise the Lord, I have been the one loving the rebelling person. I learned years later, that both my father and a *very* close friend shed many tears while i was so lost. I regret the anguish I put them through. Then one day I realised that God anguished over my rebellion too, and He loves me even more! If only everyone knew how much they are loved! Not just by parents or best friends, but also how much each of us is Loved and cherished by The One and Only Lord God! Creator of the Universe, Designer of the law of physics, Sculptor of our very bones.

Music in itself is amoral.  God created music for the purpose of worship.  When Lucifer was cast out of the mountain ot God, his musical ability was never removed from him.  Therefore, the original intent of music which was worship was still in him.  This is why he cannot stand to be in the true worship of the saints; because God inhabits the praises of his people.  And, when the enemy hears this, the ability in him instinctively joins in which is against his nature!  God is bringing all things back into Him through Christ; music included.  While there may be many secular artists and musicians that are openly practicing things contrary to the intent and will of God, it is so very judgemental to point to them when the same happens in the church and in the Gospel music arena. A prime example is jazz.  While jazz is an amoral genre of music, we tend to put a title of Christian or not on it.  If the genre is jazz, that is it!  Either it's jazz or not.  So, so does one not listen to it because the composer is not a Christian?  Well, I hate to burst a bubble, but God said that EVERYTHING he made including music is good.  Therefore, music's intention was good but misused and abused, the same as anything else on this earth. Yes, there can be a "spirit" influencing music but then again there can be a spirit influencing the hearer as well.  I can recall certain Christian artists that were very successful in their careers, the were exposed for things that they were involved in contrary to God's will for the complete career!  And having been exposed to the Gospel music industry, there are many things that never reach the forefront happening behind the scenes.  My take on this?  DON'T BE JUDEGMENTAL......The Holy Spirit will not allow you to bllindly walk into a musical decline, but will lead you into a realm of music that is glorifying God......and it may even be the genre you enjoy.

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