The Christian writer Donald Miller said one time that when it comes to following Jesus he hates military analogies.


There are people who take it too far for sure. These are usually people who forget Jesus enjoined us to pray for our enemies, show mercy to those who are merciless toward us, help those who would forget us during our times of need. -- Love, Truth, Forgiveness: these are the weapons Christ gives us to use in the struggle between Good and evil.

Soldiers sometimes become disoriented during the confusion of battle. Sometimes a soldier’s most recent directive is no longer applicable to their current situation.

There is an old military adage, which states, “March toward the sound of the guns.” Which simply means: If you don’t know what else to do, go to where the fighting is most intense. This is where you are most needed.

There are times I ask myself: where are the guns the loudest in my life? Does the single parent of three across the street need help? Is there a person from work who lost a family member and needs someone to listen to them? Is there a person in my life who is suffering because they made a mistake, hurt other people, and needs someone to remind them that we all make mistakes . . . even if we do not all get caught . . . and despite everything else, they are still valuable and loved by their Creator. And, that forgiveness is available.

March toward the sound of the guns.

Where are the guns loudest in your life, in your community?

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Excellent thoughts Mike. Thanks for sharing them.

In thinking about what you wrote a few thoughts / questions come to mind ...

*How do I choose among the 'sounds of the guns' .... it can be deafening to listen to the needs of the community. They are real needs, real people ... and I am one person. Where do I set my sights?

*Where are the silent battles that no one knows about ... the quiet places of spiritual warfare where hurting and pain are endured without help.

*While pondering these things, why do we allow ourselves to ignore what we know ... while we think about the things we don't know!

John, pick one person, one thing. I'm helping a from addict and former homeless man set up a twitter page for the ministry outreach he has connected with. Find them on twitter @daytonaoutreach. Remember what Momma T said, "If you can't feed 100 feed 1". Instead of trying to save the world, I trying to help a few that God brings into my path both short term and long term. Make sense?

John Dobbs said:
Excellent thoughts Mike. Thanks for sharing them.
In thinking about what you wrote a few thoughts / questions come to mind ...
*How do I choose among the 'sounds of the guns' .... it can be deafening to listen to the needs of the community. They are real needs, real people ... and I am one person. Where do I set my sights?

*Where are the silent battles that no one knows about ... the quiet places of spiritual warfare where hurting and pain are endured without help.

*While pondering these things, why do we allow ourselves to ignore what we know ... while we think about the things we don't know!

Mike, good thoughts. Unfortunately, churches often gravitate to those who ought to need the least help, and ignore those most in need. I once worked in youth ministry, and I spent a lot of time with broken families. They were lower level socio-economically, and a minority group. I'll never forget what a church leader once said to me. He said, I understand what you are trying to do. But don't forget the paying members.

It is easy for any of us to coast by hanging out with friends and longtime, good church members. This is why most small groups are inward-focused. It is much harder to get outside of ourselves and outside of our comfort zone, and help the helpless.

Going where we are most needed. Wasn't that what Jesus did by coming to earth?

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