What happens to the children of first generation immigrants once they reach adulthood?  I was raised in a Spanish church.  Some of the kids that I grew up with are no longer in the Spanish churches.  They have migrated to the English speaking churches.  For the majority, 2nd generation Latinos are fluently bilingual.  3rd generation Latinos have lost some of the Spanish language and it becomes a challenge to speak and understand it.  I don't recall ever knowing a 4th generation adult member in the Spanish church.  Most of the Spanish churches I've been to, have English classes for teens in high school. English becomes the primary language of 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos. 


This presents a challenge with the Latino churches wishing growth for their congregations and wishing to retain the youth or "el futuro de la iglesia" as they are affectionately called; which translates to "the future of the church".


I don't know if there is a solution.  I personally believe that when it comes to our salvation, we should study the bible in the language of least resistance.  For 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos, that language is English.  It may be selfish for the older generations to retain the younger ones in a place that will be a challenge for them to understand.  Even a bilingual church will loose some of its originally intended target group.  It may be that the best thing to do is let the younglings just fly and let them go their way.


Anyways, I would be very interested in hearing any ideas or thoughts on this.

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Replies to This Discussion

I think that we must start churches according to the cultures. Hispanics of 2nd generation are fluently bilingual, in my view they need their own church. They have their own culture. They can mix in well with any culture. If you look at the schools, you'll see hispanic, black, white, asian, middle east and they all speak english! They all have those "rasgos" from a native country, but they have something different than their parents do, they have their own unique "culture" their own unique way of doing things. they can see and comprehend their fathers mothers point of view, but also understand and comprehend and delve into the maintstream American point of view. There's a saying that goes "ni de aqui ni de alla" neither from here nor from there is a basic translation. Basically, Hispanics of 2nd 3rd generation, will grow more in my opinion, having their own church. Just two weeks ago, at Highland Oaks Church of Christ, where my dad preaches, they started a young adult group. That has like, I have never seen that in the Latino churches! That is so cool. I think that we saw a need and filled it. Before my internship in Duncanville, I had this idea to start that and now it is. So what I'm trying to say is that we need to see that there's a need and fill it. There's a need a huge need in the Latino congregation to accomadate and recognize this new group. Now, I'm not saying all will like or want to. I believe some will feel more comfortable with their parents or in the anglo, but I do think we need to start congregations that are 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanic and that have all races as well. it's already happening in our schools, and the kids have friends of different races...why aren't there now churches to accomadate them? Genesis Alliance is the best and the one to go to if you're interested in starting a Healthy Latino Church or 2nd/3rd Generation Church. It needs to be done
That's a great comment Joe! Where are you working at?


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