Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer have written a new book,
Transformational Church: Creating A New Scorecard for Congregations. This book appears to have obvious similarities to Reggie McNeal's Missional Renaissance: Creaing a New Scorecard for the Church. Both seek to redefine what success is in a local church, moving from institutional to relational, transformational, and missional markers.
Stetzer has also starting blogging some about
transformational preaching. To me, this raises the question--why are so few lives really transformed? Why do we see people struggle with the same sins over and over, and even ourselves suffer from this? Are we not promised life in the Spirit?
I know one thing. What we are currently doing to bring about life change is not working well. My father once taught a Sunday morning Bible class with about 80 30 somethings. He asked people to raise their hands if they thought that Bible class changed behavior. Not a single person raised their hands. What would they say about preaching?
So, my question is, What kind of preaching brings about life change? What has you seen work and not work--and why?