Here is a recent blog post giving tips on tweeting at a conference when in attendance. 

Now, think of 100 church members tweeting about a Sunday worship assembly or sermon message using these same tips.  many young churches, such as Mars Hill Church in Seattle, make texting a part of their worship.

So, what do you think? Is texting/tweeting during worship/sermon a good idea? What would be the pros? Possible cons?

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Whether "texting" in worship or the sermon a "good idea" depends upon ones concept of what a "formal" worship service is. Some view " the worship service" as a solemn event with "keeping silence before HIm" and a "reverent" format to be the highest value. On the other hand, an African-American service would typically have many voices from the audiences heard during the sermon and at other times. A predominately post-modern audience might welcome the participation through texting. So...... .all things may be lawful but not all things are expedient: I would advise-- Know your Audience.
Know your audience is probably good advice. What if your audience has a lot of older people, but you want to connect with younger people? What do you do then?

In other words, is your audience your own members or those that you are trying to reach out to?

Tweeting in church is a 21st Century way to replicate Acts 2, "Men an brethren what shall we do?!!" We have not allowed this type of "interruption" since our restoration movement began simply because we took the phrase "in decency and in order" out of its context and made it our "Mahantra". Interruptions (of Jesus) have made some of the greatest stories in the New Testament. (lowering the cripple from the roof, rich young ruler, woman with a blood issue....)


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