Amanda Zemp
  • Female
  • Stillwater, OK
  • United States
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  • Joshua Nichols
  • John Dobbs
  • James Nored

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How did you find out about the Missional Outreach Network?
I was surfing the web one night and found it! :)
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About me

Hi! My name is Amanda Zemp. I'm a RN and work at Stillwater Medical Center. I've worked in Labor and Delivery and Women's Health the past 9 years. Women and children are my passion. ER used to scare me to death and made me sick to my stomach and so the last 6 months or so I decided to cross train in ER and face my fears! I've discovered I kind of like the adrenaline and it's not as scary as I thought! I also work on the medical and surgical floors to mix it up a little. I like the broad spectrum and love to learn about the amazing things the human body does! Totally amazing!

I have been married to my husband, Jeremy, for 13 years on June 7th. We have two wonderful miracles, a daughter, Maleah, who is 7 and a son, Tanner, who is 4 years old. I'm so blessed to have them in my life! We are discovering some "bumps" lately though! ;) Tanner is the first boy on both sides of our family (not counting my husband) and he's definitely different than the girls I'm used to! So, I'm trying to figure out his "currency" and am spending A LOT of time in prayer! ;)

Glad to be here and looking forward to learning and spreading the Word.

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 7:44pm on June 20, 2015, Bruno Serra said…

Hello Dear,
How is everything with you,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile,I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here,since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( the full details.
Have a nice day.
Bruno Serra.

At 5:16pm on November 9, 2010, James Nored said…
Hey Amanda! How are you? How are things in Stillwater? What is going on with God in your life, and how can we share in this and help? Great to see you on the site.
At 11:49am on June 1, 2010, James Nored said…
Amanda, go to your My Page. Scroll down, and on the left you should see a Music box. Click on the +Add Music link.
At 11:23am on June 1, 2010, James Nored said…
Amanda, I am so sorry for your loss. It is good that this is a tight knit group that can draw strength from one another. I will pray that God will help you be a comfort and a good Christian witness of faith, hope, and love during this time. Please keep us posted on this and let us know how we can help. God bless.
At 10:15am on May 31, 2010, James Nored said…
Amanda, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have prayed for the family and for you.

There is a Prayer group on this site. Just go to the Groups section and search on Prayer. The group will come up. You can join the group with a click and post prayer requests there.
At 4:01pm on May 30, 2010, James Nored said…
Amanda, I'm sorry that you were not able to worship today. I know that this is disappointing. You were still able to "be the church,"though, and I am sure that you were a light and a blessing to those around you. I pray that God will help you with a work schedule that allows for both. Thank you for sharing--so glad to have you on the site.
At 10:17am on May 27, 2010, James Nored said…
Hi Amanda. I see that you got your picture up. Great!

Which church are you with in Stillwater?
At 2:51pm on May 26, 2010, James Nored said…
Amanda, do you have a digital picture of yourself that you can upload? It really helps us get to know one another and build a sense of community.

How goes the spread of the gospel in Stillwater? I went to high school in Edmond, by the way. Also, what is your main interest in outreach and mission?

So glad that you joined!
At 2:50pm on May 26, 2010, James Nored said…
Hi Amanda. Welcome to the Missional Outreach Network! If you click on the Forum tab and go to "Getting Started," there are instructions on introducing yourself to this community and changing your photo and profile.

Feel free to join a group or discussion (see "Groups" in menu bar), invite a friend (see "invite" tab), or start your own group or discussion. It's great to have you aboard!
At 8:13am on May 26, 2010, John Dobbs said…
Welcome Amanda!

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
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