If you "started over" without the constraints imposed over the centuries for "going to church" what would be assembly look like in our modern technological age?? I examine this in this "Mashup" Discussion of "Going to Church" with the Postmodern age.

What do you think "going to church" would look like?

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Comment by Lynn S. Nored on November 4, 2010 at 11:26am
Thanks for the comment and suggestion. I will try to do this as I have time. I am also going to start working on another mashup discussion called "The Black Swan Effect in Christianity".
Comment by James Nored on November 4, 2010 at 12:54am
Dad, there is a lot of GREAT content here. We certainly read into the New Testament our present experience of church, and we do not even realize that we do this. And yes, church has become a passive thing that we do, rather than who we are all the time.

I would suggest taking a small portion of this post, breaking it down, and starting discussions on these sections. There is a lot here to digest.
Comment by Jayaraj.E on November 3, 2010 at 12:11am
Dear sir, greetings to you . you added a wonderful article here . I have learned more things from your discussion . here many believe that God is dwelling only in major church buildings which can attracts all . but, you show here what Church means to be and what we do when we Gather for worship . excellent article which is very important to all people to know at this new technological age . here most of my Congregations are still gather in small houses to worship God and all our congregations are small in number . however we believe God is being worked in our lives .I am also learning more from this network ( new preacher can learn from technology when a leaders do like Bro.James Nored is teaching online. MON is a online Bible College to me to learn more things and to apply in My wok .
Jayaraj, India

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