When Is the Church At A Tipping Point?
(A “Mashup” Discussion)


Tipping Point: “In any organization, once the beliefs and energies of a critical mass of people are engaged, conversion to a new idea will spread like an epidemic, bringing about fundamental change very quickly.” (W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, Tipping Point, Harvard Business Review, April 1, 2003)

Mashup: “A distinct spreading ideas. “ A “marriage” or “mashup” of ideas from two different realms to convey a new message.

Captain Preston, a patriot who fought at the battle of Lexington and Concord, was asked why he was willing to fight and die? He said : . 'I never saw any stamps'. What about the tax on tea? ' I never drank a drop of the stuff; the boys threw it all overboard.' It must have been all of your reading of Harrington, Sidney, and Locke on the principles of liberty? Never heard of 'um. We read only the Bible, the catechism, Watt's Psalms and Hymns, and the Almanack.' Well, what was it? asked the interviewer. What made you take up arms against the British? ' Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: we always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn't mean we should."

In our war for Independence there were Loyalists and Patriots. Loyalist wish to continue adhere to tradition and serve the King and Parliament- a remote elite. Patriots wished to adhere to the self government and their fundamental rights granted in original constitutional English documents. There came a definitive "tipping point" where the revolution was supported. In our current Health care debate we have similar themes being played out. Some would advocate a government bureaucratic elite should determine our health care decisions to the benefit of all. Others wish to have the freedom and liberty to make these decisions for themselves. The Loyalists in this debate support centralized governmental action. The Patriots believe we should govern our own lives and go to the constitution for that support. Since 60 % get their support from government, is the U.S. at a tipping point?

One may ask, what in the world do the above political discussions have to do with congregations today? What are the similarities between the themes of the American Founding and even of the current Health Care Debate? They are, in my opinion, more similar then one might contemplate at first. I wish to examine what happens when a "traditional" but not overly conservative church (of Christ) is lead to be a truly "missional' church. So, we will "mashup" the ideas of liberty ( freedom) vs tyranny or security to determine the success of missional transformation We will find there are "Loyalists"and "Patriots". There are several scenarios that, in my opinion, will determine the "tipping point". In some cases missional church transformation can succeed. But, in others it will not.

Please go to http://mashupdiscussions.blogspot.com/ for my complete discussion of this topic? I would very much like to here your thoughts.

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What do you think determines the "Tipping Points" for success or failure?

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