How can we help teens who struggle with homosexuality?

Below is a news article from IPI, a policy think tank where my friend Bart Cleland works (whatever your politics, this article brings up some of the issues of concern.) As this article shows, the government "came out" for LGBT youth--lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered youth. CNN also posted an article this week on this coverage entitled, LGBT in School: 'I lost a lot of my friends'. 


I can remember someone in high school who was in the drama or music department writing anonymously a note backstage that said, "I am gay, and I want to commit suicide." I certainly don't want teenagers who struggle with homosexuality committing suicide, and I don't want them to be beat up or suffer any physical violence. But there is definitely a move by society, and apparently now, our government to normalize this behavior.

This should not surprise us. For the first time ever this year, a majority of Americans now support gay marriage. This is probably why the government is now going ahead with the LGBT summit. We are increasingly entering into a post-Christian America, where the laws that are passed no longer reflect Christian values, but post-Christian values. Of course, the early church lived in a time in which the government and 99.9% of society was thoroughly pagan. They were still able to flourish and reach millions of people for Christ without government support.


But back to the issue of youth and homosexuality. How can we help youth who struggle with this issue, showing them love and compassion, while still teaching them biblical truth on this issue?

(Here is the IPI article below.)


Out of the Closet and Behind Closed Doors
Last week the U.S. Department of Education hosted what the White House billed as the “first-ever Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) youth summit.”  Presumably, it won’t be the last such taxpayer-funded event.

Health and Human Services (HHS) Administrator for Substance Abuse and Mental Services Pam Hyde proclaimed, “Your federal government has finally come out of the closet in support of LGBT youth.”

There is so much wrong with this it’s hard to know where to start.  If there are student drug abuse, bullying and safety concerns on campus—and there are—why would the government limit such a conference to the LGBT community?  Lots of kids are bullied or turn to drugs.

But it gets worse.  Penny Starr of CNSNews reported that media were excluded from some closed-door meetings.  That raises serious questions about what was being discussed on the taxpayers’ dime.
Liberals used to (falsely) complain that conservatives wanted the government in our bedrooms.  But closed-door meetings with a sexually oriented—and highly vulnerable—population raise the specter that it’s the liberals who are putting the government—and moral support—in the bedrooms.

In these very tight budget times, Congress might want to consider cutting the Department of Education’s conference funding.  Or better yet, pick up on a Ronald Reagan proposal and just eliminate the department.
*****Today's PolicyByte was written by IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews.

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Comment by Jay on June 21, 2011 at 10:24pm
Yes, that was an interesting article. As I stated earlier, there are many examples of people who have decided at one point in their life that they were gay and later in life decided they were straight, and vice versa. I wouldn't be surprised if several years from now the person in the article decides that he is gay again. This person is most likely bisexual and that's why it's possible for him to be attracted to either sex at different times in his life.

There are, however, genuine homosexuals who can only be attracted to the same sex. Should these people be shamed and told to be celibate for the rest of their life (unless they suddenly develop an attraction for the opposite sex)? I think not. And removing that shame and unrealistic requirement of celibacy is the only thing that will help them in their "struggle". The bible says that gays were to be executed and it states in the New Testament that they will spend eternity in hell. No wonder gay teen suicide rates are so high.
Comment by James Nored on June 21, 2011 at 6:12pm
Here is NY Times article entitled, "My Ex-Gay Friend" that you may find interesting.
Comment by Jay on June 20, 2011 at 4:09pm
Mark, but there is no strong evidence and there is definitely no proof and this is all evident by your refusal to provide any except to refer me to a book. I could refer you to a book that says that there is no proof of his resurrection. But what would that prove?

Jesus may not have taught people to blindly follow Mosaic law, but the god of the Old Testament certainly did. In fact, he describes in horrid and sadistic detail in Deuteronomy chapter 28 how he would punish and torture his own people if they did not "carefully follow all of his commands and decrees". He killed Uzzah for touching the ark when Uzzah was simply just trying to keep it from falling. When Jesus told the crowd ""who ever is without sin, cast the first stone", Jesus was directly violating the law set in place by the god of the Old Testament and his command to "carefully follow all of his commands and decrees".

If Jesus came to save us and not execute punishment then why were Ananias and Sapphira killed for supposedly lying?

Yes, others in this day and age do execute homosexuals. Is it immoral to do that? If so, was it immoral for God to have that same law?
Comment by Jay on June 20, 2011 at 3:05pm
If it's been defeated already by proof of his resurrection then why not just explain what this proof is? Why refer me to a book without offering any quotes from the book? If all of these "greater minds" have offered proof of his resurrection then it must be fairly easy to find this proof and present a concise account of it. This is all off topic anyway. My questions concerning God's law of killing homosexuals, which I've asked multiple times, still remain unanswered. These questions, which I don't believe can be sufficiently answered by any person who wishes to remain a Christian, are proof that the god of the bible does not exist.
Comment by Jay on June 20, 2011 at 2:01pm
Mark, I understand their perspective; I was a devout Christian for many years.  The burden of proof is on the group of people who make the claim that he rose from the dead.  If you can prove this, then you can prove that he's the son of God and with that proof you'll bring many, many people to your faith.  By the way, testimony from people in the bible is not proof.  I'll await your proof.
Comment by Jay on June 20, 2011 at 1:37pm
Mark, just because a person doesn't believe in the god of the bible doesn't mean they believe in this "man centered" philosophy you're speaking of. A person can believe that the god of the bible does not exist and still believe that murder is wrong. The "God centered philosophy" that you speak of is "foolishness to the world", you're correct on that. It's foolishness because it's absent of logic. If logic is thrown out the window then everyone just believes what they want to believe regardless of whether it makes any logical sense. Your comments seem to indicate that you're not interested in debating the issue using logic which means this debate cannot progress.

I'll ask these questions again and challenge any Christian to provide a logical answer: Was it immoral for God to have instituted the death penalty for homosexuals in the Old Testament and would it be immoral today for a nation to have that same law?

These questions cannot be answered by a person without either admitting that the god of the bible is not God or taking the position that killing gays is an ok thing to do.

If a Christian answers these questions and wants to remain a Christian they are forced to admit that killing gays was ok back then and would be ok now - an unthinkable position by any reasonable person today. If God implemented the execution of gays then it must not be immoral. And if a nation today wants to have this same law then how could any Christian object since this same law was once implemented by God and therefore cannot be immoral? The argument that the old law does not apply anymore does not work here because the issue isn't whether a law is still in place but whether that law was ever immoral. It's not logical to say that this law was once moral but is now immoral simply because the times have changed and human society has progressed.

If a person wants to be honest, they'll admit that a law condemning gays to death is, was, and will always be immoral. In this case, this person would also then have to admit that God's law of executing gays was immoral therefore God was immoral. If God was immoral then he cannot be God. This is why you've avoided these two questions and this is why all Christians will avoid them.
Comment by Wendy Scott Cayless on June 19, 2011 at 6:21pm
Mark, how many homosexuals do you have experience with who have "conquered" their homosexual nature by faith in Christ?
Comment by Wendy Scott Cayless on June 19, 2011 at 8:48am

Mark, where did Jesus teach about homosexuality.  I missed that bit of the Bible.

Another question,, why do so many teens especially choose suicide in preference to renouncing their homosexuality?  If it were a matter of choice, one would think they would choose to be heterosexual rather than suffer such enormous pain, guilt and persecution that suicide is the only outcome they can contemplate?

Comment by Wendy Scott Cayless on June 19, 2011 at 7:47am
Mark, do you believe that God created about 10% of the population with a sexual orientation that demands that they be celibate if we are to interpret the Bible as forbidding sexual activity between people of the same gender?  Does it fit yout perception of a loving God who created all things good?  Because I am struggling to reconcile a loving God who wants all good things for his creatures with the reality that most LGBT people are inherently that way and do not "choose a lifestyle" (hate that phrase.. really.. do LGBT people have a profligate lifestyle?  a drug-filled lifestyle?  what does "lifestyle" MEAN?)
Comment by Jay on June 18, 2011 at 11:26pm
Mark, yes I believe that the bible clearly states that homosexual activity is a sin. As I said earlier, the god of the bible instituted the death penalty for homosexuals in the Old Testament and has condemned them to eternal damnation. I have no opinion on whether God is glorified by the "homosexual lifestyle" considering that I don't believe in him.

Both Mark and James brought up the point about homosexual activity being a "behavior" or "lifestyle" that should be controlled and prohibited. But being gay isn't just a behavior that can be overcome or a lifestyle that someone chooses or an impulse that is fleeting, it's who they are. It's their sexual orientation. Yes, it's possible for a gay person to abstain from sex just like it's possible for a straight person to abstain from sex but it's certainly not something that any person, especially a young person, would be able to realistically overcome.

What happens is that gays who want to be good Christians are filled with shame because of who they are and how they feel and are prohibited from ever having sex. This is what causes so many of them to become depressed and suicidal.

Imagine if you were to tell a 20 year old straight man that his desires to have sex with a woman are evil and that he can never have sex with a woman lest he sin and risk eternal damnation. This is exactly what Christians are expecting of gay people (but in the opposite way, of course). It's impractical, unrealistic, and will never work.

As long as people expect gays to reject who they are and abstain from sex there will always be heartache, depression, and suicide among them. Men don't commit suicide because they're prohibited from committing adultery. They commit suicide when everyone tells them that all of their feelings of attraction to the same sex are evil and sinful and that they can never have sex.

Lastly, I'll ask you this question that I think would be difficult for any Christian to answer: Was it immoral for God to have instituted the death penalty for homosexuals in the Old Testament and would it be immoral today for a nation to have that same law?

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