Inside Out: Taking the Church Outside the Walls

Welcome Highland Oaks friends,

Here is where you can come to discuss our class for the next eight weeks. I'll have a new blog post up each week with a question, and jump in to the conversation. Week One:

Is it our job to call people into Christian community?

Have a ball!

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Comment by Trey Finley on September 19, 2009 at 11:22am
Thanks, everyone. Great comments. I truly believe that "iron sharpens iron" when we confidently share our perspective on a subject, yet are willing to truly listen to another perspective, ESPECIALLY when it differs from our own.

Perhaps I should add as a discussion for another time, "What defense mechanisms do I use to protect myself from ideas that differ from my own?"
Comment by Lynn S. Nored on September 18, 2009 at 8:08pm
Trey and others: I believe this is a more complex question than it appears. The obvious answer for the Christian is Yes. But, as the saying goes "the devil is in the details"-- sorry for the double meaning. The question is HOW? . Marla's question ( "Why is it that we sometime feel like we must find a common ground and then jump in with our story?") is a good one. That question could have two motivations among others: 1) We are so grateful and happy about what Jesus has done for us that we wish to share it as soon as possible and 2) We feel or think we are obligated to convert another "prospect". The first is surely commendable, but is rarely wise in our culture. Perhaps we should learn to do what Jesus did i.e be genuinely interested in people. Not all always did he "teach" other than what he did. As some of you have indicated, listening is a key. I would also suggest that asking the right and meaningful questions of others at the appropriate time may yield one of the keys. This is the bridge that can go from just "sharing Christian community" to sharing out story, and then sharing Jesus.

One other point concerning out culture. We should never expect others to really ask questions about ourselves. If you do you will likely be very disappointed. That is true about hospitality ( sharing meals in home). It rarely will be returned except by very close friends. Nevertheless, we should be deeply interested in others --people are fascinating anyway--as they should as they are created in the image of God
Comment by penelope Holloway on September 18, 2009 at 5:00pm
Well Ms. Marla I think I will take your advice. I often look for a common ground because I feel that finding a common ground will make the person feel more confortable. In answer to the question should we be calling people intothe Christian community I truly believe that if we dont, then we are allowing Satan to ruin and rule peoples lives
Comment by Eric Asante Obeng on September 12, 2009 at 9:09am
Is it our job to call people into christian community? yes .the Greek word church is call out of people,and any community need the church.Its a Christians job to go the community and teach them the Gospel,nd Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Comment by James Nored on September 11, 2009 at 3:11pm
Amziah, good to have you back here. It is encouraging to hear about you training your cell leaders to be good listeners. Do you have any good tips or resources to share on this?
Comment by Amziah Christman on September 11, 2009 at 3:06pm
Hello Trey, been a while. I am totally in agreement with this. I am presently taking my cell leaders through a course on proper connection skills and the main point is how to listen to people effectively to allow them to share their lives with us.
Comment by James Nored on September 11, 2009 at 12:15pm
Hi Marla! It is good to meet you here. I have enjoyed getting to know your husband. He has a lot of good things to share about small groups.

You bring up a great point about listening and not talking about ourselves. Partly though inclination and partly through training in ministry, Becki and I always seek to ask people good questions (Trey would like this) about them and their lives. People seem to really appreciate this. There are many talkers in today's world, and we need more listeners. Even Becki and I feel that way sometimes. It can occassionally get frustrating when you ask a million questions about someone else's life, but they do not reciprocate. But all in all, it is a blessing to find out about others' lives and make them feel cared about and listened to.

By the way, I like your picture!
Comment by James Nored on September 11, 2009 at 12:11pm
Trey, this is a good question. Christian community is a key part of the message of the kingdom of God--a realm in which God's rule or reign is followed and acknowledged by his people and the world.

The central message of John the Baptist and Jesus was, Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near. The early church preached Jesus and the kingdom of God.

It seems that if we just share Christian community, we have left out much of the power and attraction of Jesus. Jesus is primary, with the kingdom of God--including Christian community--close behind.
Comment by Marla Finley on September 6, 2009 at 9:06pm
It seems that we are to call people to Christ through being salt and light to all. When we truly put others' first and not feel like we must talk about ourselves all the time, others will think we're interesting just because we listened. At some point they are going to want to have what we have and that includes community.

How about this for a challenge: Let's see how long we can stay in a conversation with a person that we don't have something in common with simply by asking them all about their family, work and what they like to do for fun. Why is it that we sometime feel like we must find a common ground and then jump in with our story?

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