***DISCLAIMER***I am not writing this to say I agree or disagree with the proposed tax plans of the Democratic or Republican Party. I just want those that resent their money being taken from them to help 'lazy bum slackers' to take some solace in knowing that others are helped as well that are not part of the problem.***

I once knew a woman who would be counted as one of the bum slackers that many hate benefiting from their wealth being redistributed by the government. She drank and partied what little money she would have, and then cry about how much need she had. She manipulated others often, and never succeeded in changing all of her destructive ways (though there were great efforts made on her part). There were many good qualities about her, but she would probably be labeled by some as a bum slacker. There were some people that looked beyond the manipulation, and helped the woman and her son anyway.

Her son remembers the sneers, and the judging. He remembers the ones that sneered, and resented helping her one more time. Based on some standards, she should not have gotten anything from the government because of her wrongs that led her to her condition.

Her son also remembers the ones that kept on helping. He is also thankful for what little help she could get from the government (government PB was some of the best). He is grateful for those that gave her jobs, and kept her on even when she was at her worst.

He is grateful for God. He is grateful that God does not resent sending His own Son so we could be saved. God did not wait until we were righteous to do it, He did it while we were still sinners (Rom. 5:6-8). He also saves and forgives people who sin and repent 70 times 7 times!

I am grateful the Lord does not demonstrate resentment towards me because I have abused blessings in my life. He created all things for Him (Col. 1:16). He is generous enough to bless the just and unjust (Matt. 5:46ff). I cannot thank God enough that He does not throw up the sacrifice of His Son in my face because He had to die so I could get to Heaven based on His hard work.

I love my Mom, and I miss her. I wish she could have been normal, and made all the right choices, but she didn't. I am thankful for all the taxpayers that do not resent that their tax dollars were taken from them to be used to help a woman that spent most of her motherhood on the bottle and on pills. Their tax dollars helped feed me. I am also grateful for all the people that could have a Bible in one hand, and love in the other.

To some of my brothers and sisters, please consider your attitudes in having our money taken away to feed the "bum slackers". Our money will also be used to help some children we would not have had the opportunity to help on our own. I know it stinks to work hard just to have our money taken away. But, isnt that what happens to God? No matter how much He has loved and cared for us, how many of us still reject Him? Yet, He still does not resent having His Son leave Heaven for us.

I may not be able to buy a bigger house, or the Mustang I always wanted. I may not be able to save for my child's college education because of higher taxation. But, if my taxed dollars will help feed the child of a teenage mom that kept her baby instead of aborting him, and is still out there having unprotected sex, then so be i

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
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