Text: Dan 2:44
God was Israel’s king the head of the government and head of their religion. Israel was a “theoeray”, a God rule nation.

The prophecy about the kingdom Dan 7:13
i. Daniel vision
ii. Some one like the son of man, all nation will worhsip him
iii. He came to the ancient of days
iv. Was given dominion and glory and a kingdom

John the Baptist preaching the kingdom is at hand, matt 3:1-3
i. John the Baptist said, I am not that prophet, John 1:21
ii. Who is these prophet, coming with God’s kingdom which is the Church, John 1:23

Jesus also came preaching that the kingdom is at hand.
I. What is at hand?
II. Near and soon
III. Now

Jesus said just as the father has granted me a kingdom, I grant you. Luk 22:28-30
i. The Lords supper, Jesus said he will not eat it until is fulfilled in the kingdom of God, luk 22:16
ii. The Apostles will not taste death until the see the Kingdom which is the church come with power, Mark 9”1
iii. The fulfilment of the prophecy of Daniel.
iv. Jesus said whom did men saying the son of man I am? Matt 16:13-18

Jesus grant the kingdom which is the Church to the Apostles and gave the keys to peter matt 16:18-19
i. The Apostles must pray that the Kingdom come matt6:10
ii. The kingdom is the Church, Luk 16:16
iii. The kingdom come with power, Acts 1:4, the Church came with power in the pentecost day, 3000 people were Baptized. Acts 2:38

The 3000 people is the kingdom and God is their King, Law is the New Testament. They are the Church, God add to His Church which is also the Kingdom. Acts 2:48
i. If you did not get Baptized you can not see that kingdom or the Church, John 3:1-5
ii. In the kingdom or the Church, we have remission of sins Col 1:13
iii. J W teach that, if the kingdom come no more suffering. The Kingdom is the Church, Rev 1:9-10

We have the Kingdom, we have the Church which can not be shaken, Heb 12:28, matt 16:19.
I. The parable of the wheat and the Tares matt 13:24-30
II. The explain of the parable matt 13:36-43

Conclusion of the Kingdom which is the Church then come the end. When Christ Jesus delievers up the Kingdom or the Church to God and the father. 1Cor 15:24-26

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