Alan Hirsch is a leading missional leader and thinker. I took Alan's D.Min. class on missional church at Fuller Theological Seminary, where we went through his book The Forgotten Ways. In this video, from the New Churches Conference, Alan explains how our culture have changed in North America, further enhancing the need to take a missional approach to church, rather than an attractional or extractional approach.

A great introduction to missional church.

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Comment by James Nored on August 4, 2010 at 10:37am
Bill, your response reminds me of my own when I first read the Forgotten Ways and heard Alan give this talk. We simply cannot reach the world--or the US, or Texas, or whatever state we are in--for Christ using current thinking and methodology. But I believe that it goes to more than just methodology to theology. Understanding that mission is what the church is made for, rather than seeing it as one of many ministries of the church, is a profound theological shift for many if not in thought, at least in practice.

Glad that this was impactful for you. If you get a chance, use the "Share" button above and send this out to your friends and those you want to influence from your email address group. Let's get it going!
Comment by William Lloyd Cain on August 4, 2010 at 10:04am
Whoa! I bought Alan's book "The Forgotten Ways" a while back but had not read it. Now I feel like it is a must read. He makes a lot of sense, especially since it is abundantly clear that we cannot continue to do the same things in the same ways and expect different results. God help us to wake up to the realities of our present day world and make the changes necessary to work with the world we have -- rather than the world we wish we had. If we do, we can change things just as the early Christians were accused of turning the world upside down. Actually, they were turning it right side up, and that's what we need to be doing as well. I needed this message from Alan, and think the rest of the church needs it too.

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