Hi guys. A couple of weeks ago, a young girl (19 years old) visited our church. She said that she wanted to become a member and be baptized. Her grandmother attends at High Pointe. So I went and visited her last week to talk with her about this. I could tell that she was a sweet young girl with an almost childlike innocence. Clearly, she had an open heart. She wanted to serve in the clothes closet and use her Spanish, volunteer at our Christian school, and hand out flyers at the nearby community college that she attends. Wow!
She had not attended worship very much at all, and did not know much about the Christian faith. When I asked her why she wanted to be baptized, she said that she wanted to be like her grandmother. So, I thought, we should have a little more study.
That Wednesday night, she came to my Bible class. I was showing the Rob Bell video "Dust," which emphasizes that Jesus' disciples would not have been the best Bible students. The best Bible students followed Rabbis and became Rabbis themselves. They were fishermen. Which shows that being a follower of Christ does not require advanced degrees in Bible! It is not an elitist faith.
Last Thursday, we had one more study. I had given her lesson 1 in the Story of Redemption, and we briefly went through it. This first lesson covers creation, God's intent for humanity, sin entering into the world, punishment for sin, and prophecy about Jesus coming into the world. Then, basically, we had an oveview of lessons 4-8 in the Story of Redemption. This covered:
- Jesus' birth, divine and human nature, baptism, kingdom of God and calling of his disciples
- Jesus' teachings from the Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection
- Baptism, the resurrection body, and the new life in Christ
All in all, this took about 2 hours. Since she started out with a stated willingness to be baptized, we did not have to go through every lesson extensively. But we needed to make sure that she understood who Jesus is and the life he calls us to live.
Tiffany is planning on being baptized on March 15, and she will invite her parents to attend. Praise God!
My question to this group is,
What does a person need to know to be baptized?