Yesterday part of our small group took turns manning a table at Market Street to collect items for our Food Pantry. We had been looking for a way to help others and involve our kiddos as well. We were able to collect 2 grocery carts full of groceries. I was really excited about the response. We had asked if they could get just one item to donate and most came out will several items in a bag for us. One woman named Cynthia donated two reusable bags full of groceries plus gave us another $20. A few other people handed us money to shop with as well. Other than calling and getting it set up, it was a relatively easy thing to do. There are lots of people out there who are wanting to help in some small way and just waiting for the opportunity to do so. I'm hoping to set this up with a couple of other stores as well so that we can visit them on a rotating basis and not exhaust any one particular store. We welcome any other helpers as well. I want to thank Market Street, as well as Diane and Trinity Cristina, Nancy and Savannah Dozier, Jeven, Tanya, and Tavin Stasey, for manning tables and Suellen, Donovan, Emily, and Nic-nac Delaughter and Kristie Allen for stocking the food we recieved today.

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Replies to This Discussion

Paula, what a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing this. There are so many wonderful things about how you guys went about this:
- You involved your kids - yeah!
- You allowed the community to participate, which helped them be like Christ
- You did this as a group, providing a witness to the community of a church in action

I am so excited to hear what God is doing in your lives and in the lives of all of God's people who are moved to outreach and service!
Let's please not forget to thank Paula for sharing this idea and taking the bull by the horns and organizing this.
Amen! And thank you to you, Tanya, for your heart for this ministry as well.


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