The church I attend and haven't been kicked out of yet,, is doing a big community party this coming Sunday. Some nutty person from the church thought it would be a great idea to
GO to the homes surrounding the church and personally invite people to the event. After church yesterday, my son Devon and I took to the streets with invitations to the event. We knocked on doors. We rang doorbells. The 3rd home we walked up to had the front door and window open. I said, "Hello, I'm Mike from the church just down the road. We're having a big block party next Sunday afternoon. You are invited to come. By the way, is there anything I can pray about for you?" She said, "Yes, you can.
I am going to lose my house and my car. Can you pray about that?" My son Devon and I held the hand of this woman and prayed with her as tears ran down her cheeks. Devon and I continued on our door-knocking trek. I was incredibly surprised at the great reception we received from the households that surrounded the church. It was hot. Devon and I were both sweating like pigs at a barbecue. Praise God, we were nearly done. Just one invitation left and nearly one block away from the church. I saw a home with a ton of kid's bikes and toys in the yard. We walked up to the door and knocked. I introduced myself and gave her the last invitation. I almost walked away but I stopped and said, "Is there anything I can pray about for you?" She said, "Yes,
my husband and I are getting a divorce. I don't feel comfortable taking my three boys to his church anymore. Can you pray that my boys and I find a new church?" I invited her to check out the nutty little Methodist church I attend just one block away from her home. Then Devon and I stood in the doorway of her home, held her hands and prayed as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Churches, there are hurting people just one or two blocks away from your church just waiting for you to knock on their doors.
You don't have to travel to another state or another country to do mission work. What if your mission trip was just
one or two blocks away from your church?