Tomorrow is Friend Day at our church, and I think that matters. I know it's not the most important thing we can do. I do understand the ongoing debate about missional verses attractional evangelism. I'm aware that some people will come to church just as a one-time visit who are not interested in becoming a part of our church. I know it's been around a long time and it might be gathering some evangelical dust at this point. Even so, I am convinced that having a Friend Day is a great step for our church.

The timing of Friend Day is always a matter of concern. For many churches the holidays bring a large number of absentees who are on the road traveling. And we have a traveling congregation - many of our members are gone on any given Sunday. So we want to avoid a holiday weekend for sure (like last weekend). Summertime is also the time to travel, especially if you have kids because they are out of school. So I wouldn't plan a Friend Day in the summertime. This weekend is specifically targeted because of these type of issues. We are on a weekend following a travel weekend. There is school Monday - so parents are not as likely to have their kids on the road (especially if they traveled last weekend). These and a few more reasons have Outreach Magazine calling this 'Back to Church' Sunday.

Friend Day demonstrates the power of influence. I am sure most of us underestimate the influence we have in our lives. Perhaps within your circle of friends there is someone who would like to know Jesus Christ as you do, but who has kept that to themselves. Perhaps there is someone who is only vaguely interested in church, but with a little nudge from you they could become much more interested.

Friend Day rattles our cage a bit.  It is so easy to settle into a routine ... a rut ... and we need something to re-energize our spiritual activity. If we accept the challenge to talk to friends, neighbors, coworkers, fellow students, and strangers about coming to church on one day then we have accomplished something great. All of the really important things we do start with a word. Friendship, discipleship, teaching, love, service - all begin with a few friendly words. If we decide to open up our eyes to the people around us and regard them as souls who need what God has to offer, then that drags us out of the routine and into new and exciting relationships.

Friend Day reminds us of important things. I believe it was Marvin Phillips who used to say that we have the only news that everyone needs to hear. We talk about so many inane things with friends. That's the way we relax and enjoy the company of others. But at some time or another we need to talk about the really important things - the things that have to do with our souls. If you are not already trying to do that, it can be awkward to just bring it up.  The fact that your church is having a Friend Day, however, gives you a natural reason to bring church into the conversation. Now don't let that be the end of it! Let that be a new beginning! How many friends do you have who have never heard you speak of Jesus the Christ?

Friend Day gives us a fresh start. Tomorrow morning we will have many new faces surrounding us. Some are just there to visit for one day, and we welcome that. Others, however, are looking for a fresh start in their lives. When we embrace them and invite them into the Family of God, two things happen. They get to make a new start with new friends, a new family of believers, and renewed spiritual interest. In addition, we get to have a fresh start with new friends, new opportunities to serve, and the opportunity to show Christ's love in new ways.

Yes, Friend Day can sound kind of gimmicky, kind of old-school, kind of unspiritual in some ways. But I believe the good FAR outweighs these perspectives. And that's all they are. Jesus wants us to make disciples - and there are many doorways into obeying that command. Though not the only one, Friend Day is a very good one.

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John, it is good to hear from you, my friend. I know that you have been busy with the preparations for Friend Day.

God can use all methods, even imperfect ones--and all of our methods are imperfect. So often we need to give our members an excuse and an easy way to invite people to something and to talk about their faith. And encountering the worshiping community is one of the influences that helps a person come to faith. While it increasingly is not the first step, it still is a step, and it may be the first step for some. "Going to church" on Sunday, while decreasing as a practice by Americans, is still engrained in our culture and is seen as the thing that religious people do.

I am certain that God will bless this day for you and your church. He will not let the prayers, conversations, and effort put into this go unnoticed. And for those that come, you can invite into a Story of Redemption study--and ask them to invite their unchurched friends to the study. I'm here to help with anything that I can on follow-up ideas.

Thank you for sharing this with us! May God bless Friend Day tomorrow at the Forsythe Church of Christ.
I considered the "Back to Church Sunday" too, with a mailer, but we just did our mailer for Dynamic Marriage and got 10 couples from the community signed up, which was a very good response for something like this. Until more of our outreach funds come in, I'll hold off on this, but I did see it as a possible way to get the "dechurched." Back to Church implies that they have stopped going, which means that you are not targeting Christians from other churches. This gives it a missional impulse, even though methodologically it might be put into a different camp by many.

Alan Hirsch, by the way, has said that if he were to rename the missional vs. attractional divide, he would say missional vs. extrattractional.
So what all did you do to prepare for this day, John?
John, we are praying for you and the Friend Day at the Forsythe Church of Christ.

"Father, we pray that many will come out, that they will be blessed, that you will bless John's preaching, that the people will be warm and welcoming, and that those who come will want to come back and enter into Bible study. Amen!:
James, thanks. I like Hirsch's distinction above. What did we do... I did not follow my USUAL path, which I gleaned from Elmer Townsend many years ago. Whenever I use his plan, it is always a success. So I hope I didn't shoot myself in the foot! Anyhow...this is all driven by the church members. I had some nice invitations printed up (yay for the adaptability of VistaPrint!) and those have been taken by members and mailed / handed out. I did the same, of course. I have placed it before my followers on both Twitter and Facebook extensively over the past few weeks. We've been praying for God to use this to His glory. The real basis of this is word-of-mouth...which I like.

James Nored said:
So what all did you do to prepare for this day, John?
Thank you James. I join you in that prayer.

James Nored said:
John, we are praying for you and the Friend Day at the Forsythe Church of Christ.

"Father, we pray that many will come out, that they will be blessed, that you will bless John's preaching, that the people will be warm and welcoming, and that those who come will want to come back and enter into Bible study. Amen!:
Hey buddy. Check out the James Nored Daily--your Friend Day may the front page. (If you have not seen this yet, automatically takes those you follow on Twitter and makes a newspaper of their tweets, with links and pictures. Pretty cool.) I'm not sure how it comes up with what to place on the front page, but you've made it big time, baby! :)


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