Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,

     How are you and your families ? hope you all are fine the Gods grace .

   we are working well for the lords work with your continued support of prayers . thank you for your great encouragement even though we are separated from miles .

  please continue to pray so that God may give more blessings to do more in His work .

   I am always  trying to make some new efforts to reach unreached people of my place . with God s blessings , we are succeeded to meet many new to teach them Gospel and many faithful brothers to work with me to reach many places surrounding my area.  in this work, we started many programs  such are , school of Evangelsim , Free computer education , free tailoring program and Open Bible schools. 

   we are reaching our goals through your prayers to draw many perishing souls for Christ , however, we are slow in some programs because of some Financial problems . Hope , God will provide all our needs to continue this good works . I dedicated my life and really I am happy proud to be an Evangelism work and enjoying the work which i can not get anywhere except in Our Gods work .

  Please continue to pray for my work .Some of my programs are :

1. School of Evangelism ( weekly;y twice , )

2. Free Computer Education& Tailoring for poor women

3. Open Bible Schools & Out reach Program ( present , we started at ten places and plan to start at many places )

 your Brother ,




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i want you to know i love you all my brothers and sisters in the lord may peace and god grace be with you all be all you can be in christ do the will of god and he will guide you to all wisdom in him let the holyspirit have his way and he will plant you on a hill and everyone will see that the lord is the same yesterday and forever my email is love you

Jayaraj, it is always great to hear from you. Thank you for sharing about your work. I have said a prayer tonight for the three things that you list. I'm looking forward to getting the Story of Redemption into your language! Go ahead with the translation. We'll get the .pdfs done, and can be working on getting funds for printing.


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