Have you ever had something you love to do? In the future, you can still do it even when people say, "You can't do it!" "It's not gonna' happen!" You job is to hang on to those dreams no matter what you do! God made a talent in you for a reason! Don't walk around thinking "I now i'm good at this but i'm not gonna' do it!" No! Say "I can do this! God made me this way and I want to keep it like this!" I have a talent of singing and I want to do it. That should be you! It doesen't have to be singing. It has to be thing your best at whether it singing, teaching, or even working! God made you a to follow a certian path and you have to follow it! You have to hang on to your dreams tight and not let them go. Don't ever say "I don't like the way God made me and I want to change!" You were made in the image of God! That's how special you are! You were made in the image of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings! Your that special! Here's a good way to explain it-If God had a refridgerator your picture would be on it. If God had a wallet your picture would be in it. That's how much he loves us. Even if we were in jail, God would still love us. God will love us no matter what happens! Give half of the credit to Joel Osteen! Minister of Lakewood Church in downtown Houston. He's the one who mde the wallet joke & he inspieres you because he made books thet inspire you! (He also made the "wallet & refrigerator joke)

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Preston, hold on to your dreams! My parents always told me, you can do whatever you put your mind to do. The same is true for you. God can take all your talents and dreams and use them to powerfully impact people's lives.

You are indeed made in the image of God, and God wants that image to shine through. Keep up the good writing, Preston. I'm impressed.
James Nored said:
Preston, hold on to your dreams! My parents always told me, you can do whatever you put your mind to do. The same is true for you. God can take all your talents and dreams and use them to powerfully impact people's lives.

You are indeed made in the image of God, and God wants that image to shine through. Keep up the good writing, Preston. I'm impressed.
I don't know you but maybe one day our paths will cross! Thank you for your honesty and passion and whatever you do for as long as you live, hang onto that passion for life, for relationships, for God's plans for you and your ministry, and the ways he will use you. Our world needs people passionate about their gifts and using those gifts for his glory! Keep on keepin' on! Blessings brother... Kyle
You are absolutely right about this! Even when people say you can't do something, it does not mean that it won't happen! We must listen to the Lord, right? We are all so very special, because God created each one of us in His image, and He knows us so well that He knows the number of hairs on each one of our heads! Thank You for hanging on to the dreams that God gave you, and the dreams that you are reminding me and others are still possible!
Love, Mom
“No empowerment is so effective as self-empowerment. In this world, the optimists have it, not because they are always right, but because they are positive. Even when wrong, they are positive, and that is the way of achievement.”
Dream come true

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