So how can you build an online presence? There is a lot that goes into this, but one tip that I wanted to share today is, give something away for FREE!
Give out good, valuable free stuff that people want and that they will tell their friends about. Yes, that means giving away some stuff that you might not normally (like resources you have written or created). With the Internet, we have shifted from a model of receiving payment for content (like books, etc.) to receiving payment for… Continue
Added by James Nored on May 7, 2009 at 11:05pm —
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A book that I recommend for church leaders to go through together is Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church by Reggie McNeal. Reggie McNeal is a part of Leadership Network and is a nationally known missional leader. I also have an affection for him as one of my teachers in the D.Min. program at Fuller Theological Seminary.
I owe a lot of my ideas for the practical outworkings of missional theology to Reggie. (He also is a… Continue
In case you somehow missed it, here is a link to one of the most inspiring vidoes in a long time. (I would embed this, but unfortunately, the embedding was requested to be disabled by someone.)
This video shows, Susan Boyle, an unemployed 47 year old cat owner who has never been kissed, on the show, "Britian's Got Talent"--the precursor show to American Idol. No one expected anything from this… Continue
This week Newsweek came out with a front page article entitled "The End of Christian America."
This article was prompted by the recent religious survey of Americans that we recently reported on. This survey showed that the percentage of Americans that identified themselves as having no religion has doubled in the last decade to 15% of the US population. This is but one of many signs pointing to the… Continue
On Sunday, we had an "Easter Eggstravaganza." We invited the community to join us for an Easter egg hunt, a meal, a petting zoo, and a bounce gym. We had a great turnout, with numerous people from the community. I met guests that our members had invited, and one woman from the McKinney paper advertisement.
Becki and I were able to engage guests in conversationa and invite them out to Easter and our new sermon series: "The Office: Spirituality at Work." We had our newly printed invite… Continue
As I shared with you last week, Bobby Ross has written a column on social networking in his column in the Christian Chronicle. The article is now posted online (click here). Check it out!
Bobby quotes me and references the Missional Outreach Network. Of course, this site is not about me, but about all of you and how God is moving amongst us to help us work… Continue
Hey guys. Bobby Ross, reporter for the Christian Chronicle. emailed me today to let me know that he will talk about social networking in his column in the upcoming issue of the Chronicle. He talks about Facebook, his own experience with social networking, and our site, the Missional Outreach Network.
The Chronicle goes to print on 3/25/09, so I assume the web version will be updated then too. Check… Continue
Added by James Nored on March 24, 2009 at 2:00pm —
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Being missional must factor into everything that we do. This should include even such things as our worship times. Is this not what a missionary would do? Is this not what a church planter would do? Absolutely! They would say, what time would have the best chance of having someone that we are trying to reach attend? They would not say, hmm, I think I'll have it at _____ time because that is what I like.
So what worship times would be culturally… Continue
I just finished reading Missional Renaissance by Reggie McNeal. I took Reggie for a D.Min. class at Fuller, and Becki and I heard him speak at a minister spouse retreat. He is very in tune with both the religious and the non-religious world, and I give him credit for inspiring me in a lot… Continue
The Tulsa Soul-Winning Workshop, "Evangelism Revolution," is coming up in about 10 days. It lasts Thurs., Mar. 26 through Sat., Mar. 28. Here is the full schedule. Here are some of the sessions which look interesting to me and apply to the outreach ministries at High Pointe
9:00 AM
Pavilion Rick Atchley The Born Again Identity Pt. 1
Exchange Ctr 2 Carl Moore… Continue
Added by James Nored on March 15, 2009 at 10:00pm —
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On Monday, a new religious study was released that showed that 15% of the US population defines themselves as belonging to no religion. Here is an excerpt from the American Religious Identification Survey—conducted by the Program on Public Values at Trinity College. "The percentage of Americans claiming no religion, which jumped from 8.2 in 1990 to 14.2 in 2001, has now increased to 15…Continue
Hi guys. Bobby Ross, who does great fair and balanced reporting for the Christian Chronicle, has made a blog post on social networking. He is seeking input for a possible story on this subject for the Christian Chronicle, and he sites Facebook, Where the Saints Meet (which, from the content and participants, looks to be a very conservative site), and ours… Continue
Added by James Nored on February 22, 2009 at 2:00pm —
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My wife, Becki, returned today. She left yesterday afternoon to attend a women's retreat at our church. This left me with our two girls. We had a good time. They even got to sleep in a tent last night!
Becki came back and told me that (though she is not feeling very well) the women's retreat went great. In regards to outreach, 5 women from the Women United in Recovery group attended, as well as one of these ladies' mother. The Women United in… Continue
Added by James Nored on February 21, 2009 at 2:15pm —
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Currently I am doing some research on satellite churches. A satellite church is an extension of a main church, with an additional site or campus in another location. This site receives video feeds from the main church, usually of the sermon, with live music.
The question I am asking about satellite churches is, are they or can they be missional? Here are the positives:
1. It allows the church to expand into new territories, a key… Continue
Harvest Sunday Video - Sharing the Good News from James Nored on Vimeo.
This is the third and final video that we used for our Harvest Sunday, the day in which all money given and pledged goes towards outreach. It tells about various outreach ministries that tell the good news, and has an uplifting conversion story.
Harvest Sunday Video - Serving Our Community from James Nored on Vimeo.
Here is one of our Harvest Sunday videos highlighting some of our outreach ministries, including our food pantry, clothes closet, and ministry to get people back on their feet. I worked on this video with the very talented Clint Loveness. Check out his work on Vimeo or… Continue
Should churches concentrate on creating their own social networking sites, or join in ones that have already formed such as Facebook? Here is a quote from the book Marketing to the Social Web by Larry Weber.
I just read an article by Sen. Bill Frist, a medical doctor, in which he highlights President Bush's foreign aid efforts. By committing $15 billion to combat AIDS in Africa and other foreign initiatives, Frist says that Bush saved ten million lives around the world.… Continue
Added by James Nored on January 16, 2009 at 10:49am —
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This is a book on house churches that was recommended to me by Alan Hirsch. I have it on order, and I am looking forward to reading it.
One thing to note about house churches in the NT. The household was not a single nuclear family, as it is in suburbia today. Households were complex networks of… Continue
"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"