Our family's favorite ONE-YEAR Bible Reading Plan

I'd like to share my favorite one-year BIBLE READING chart >>


A lot of times, at the beginning of each new year, people need to be challenged to be faithfully reading the Bible. For our family, this has been our favorite plan. It's flexible, and helps keep your reading balanced. It's a great link to share with church friends, or to print out and to have at the back of the church or in your home groups. Daily personal Bible reading, and personal devotional time with the Lord in prayer, is one of the most important steps in helping a new believer to grow spiritually. 


I encourage you to print out a bunch of copies for everyone in your family, and to have handy for friends. I like this plan because it's EASY & FLEXIBLE. The plan divides the daily readings into 7 areas: Sunday: EPISTLES, Monday: THE LAW, Tues...day: HISTORY, Wednesday: PSALMS, Thursday: POETRY, Friday: PROPHESY, Saturday: GOSPELS. A quick glance can show you where you're at. I don't usually follow the weekday guidelines; instead, I read "down" the different rows, as I feel led. Sometimes several boxes a day. You'll note that some of the boxes take WAY longer than others, and some will be very quick to read. It's great for keeping your yearly Bible steady and balanced throughout the year.

In addition to READING, it's really good to consider how you're going to STUDY and MEMORIZE different part of the Bible, along with being challenged by anointed PREACHING & teaching from a good pastor (or if you are a pastor or fulltime minister, from spiritual mentors/leaders who will keep you accountable and growing strong) . . . and to share what you know with others.


FRESH INPUT -- FRESH OUTFLOW -- will keep your spiritual life FRESH & ALIVE!!!

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Comment by Ann Dunagan on January 6, 2011 at 12:23pm
You're welcome, James. This One year Bible-reading plan has really been a blessing to our family, and our home church, for quite a few years. I especially like how it divides the reading into 7 different columns, to help me to keep my Bible reading balanced throughout the year.
Comment by James Nored on January 5, 2011 at 11:18pm
Thanks for the resource, Ann. I like flexibility--it's part of my personality. So I like this plan. Thanks for sharing!

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