We may be the ones to plant,water or harvest

Jen and I are so glad that our friends are searching for peace and direction. One of our friends took their family to our church Sunday night. Some of our other friends have visited a mormon church (we have a mormon family in the neighborhood that does a great job of building relationships and getting peple to visit their church). Our friends have not attended church in years. They have a daughter who is in our oldest daughter's kindegarten class. They told my wife how nice the mormon church was, but they said they wanted to check out more churches. We pray that we will have the focus to ask them what is important to them as they search for a church family.

In my experience, people who are unchurched and do not cling to any set group of doctrinal views- generally pick the church that is organized well and is the friendliest. We as Christians have to remember that people in the world look at things differently than we do at times. Much of the Christian past seems to believe in the "let the sinners come to us" mode, whereas I believe we need to take the "word" to the sick. If they come to church and don't know our customs or don't dress like we think they should- we need to see the bigger picture: their soul.

We know that we can be a part of something great (helping people come to the kingdom of God) and rejoice in that opportunity.

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Comment by James Nored on January 14, 2009 at 11:55pm
Matt, you are so right. People today care little about doctrine. A church that is well-organized and is friendly can indeed attract a lot of people.

We need to take note of this and seek to do all things with excellence and show people genuine warmth and caring.

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