Real of Counterfeit- How can you tell?

Which one is real?? (answer at bottom of post)
The other day I was visiting with a business colleague of mine. While we talked about
business, our plans for 2009, the economy, taxes- we ended up talking about our past experiences. We discussed interesting stories about ourselves that showed the individualistic qualities we possess. Both she and I are seen by others as conservative, non-risk taking people. People look at our career, our clothes, our car and our haircut.

As she spoke about spending a year and a half in South Korea (teaching english), I shared my stories about selling books all summer in Bartlesville, OK. Our friends and families thought we were crazy to make the decisions we did, but we were supported in our actions. I talked about going "door to door." She told me that many of her roommates in South Korea were from the states and from BYU (mormons). I told her that I worked one side of the street while a mormon or a jehovah witness worked the other side. A few times I visited with these folks as we were all "on a mission."

My friend and I talked about how it is so easy to believe what our parents believed on a whole range of issues. But, it is vitally important that all of us seek out truth. Just because your parents or someone in authority believe something, does not make it right. We need to search out truth with our heart, soul and mind. Psalm 119:11 says, "I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you." This is David (killer of the giant, king, leader, adulterer, murderer, forgiven and shown grace by God) who is pouring out his heart. We have the holy spirit to help us know truth.

Not only did our discussion focus on the need to search out truth, and not be dogmatic about our beliefs, but we talked about having respect for others' ideas. She said that many people don't realize that jews, muslims and christians all spring out of the old testament. Great point. I don't know if my friend is attending a church, but she has alot of knowledge about other religions (maybe mostly from her time in South Korea).

I ended our discussion with talking about seeking truth. I said that it is amazing how many religions are out there and all the subsets of the religions. I heard years ago that the FBI trains agents on counterfeit knowledge by training them to know the dollar bill (inside and out) down to every detail. By truly knowing the genuine article and everything about it, you can more easily spot a fake. She liked that analogy. She said, "I like that dollar bill story. You do need to know what you believe before you speak about other religions or beliefs."

In my life, there are times when I see something or want something. It may be that my desire for that item/feeling leads me to a counterfeit. I may believe that by working more and earning more money- I can do more for my family or I can tithe more to God. Now, I'm not saying making more money is bad in istself. It depends on what my main motive is. For me, it can be pride and greed. I want to be genuine. I want others to see Jesus in me. One of the worst phrases that was said to me happened about 4 years ago. In a group of business colleagues, we started talking about church and faith. A guy said, "Brunk- you go to church? you're a Christian?" He did not see something different in me vs. the rest of the world. I had not been the genuine thing to him.

Answer: the one on the bottom is real.
?? Right now, is there something in your life that is counterfeit? How have you gotten the counterfeit items out of your life?

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Comment by Matt Brunk on January 21, 2009 at 8:28pm
I see your points. I am getting to know here pretty closely as we meet weekly with other business people. I would love to have a weekly small group. Having a few Christian couples and inviting some other folks would be a great intimate setting. I am praying about the right time and the right people to help start the group with. Our lives are very busy right now and we don't want to sacrifice the family time we have built into the week. I would love to do a small group at 6pm on Sundays. It would get non-church goers and non-Christians used to attending something on a weekend day. Plus it wouldn't disrupt our weekly schedule. Each night is spoken for with work, jen getting out, dance and family night. We have Saturday or Sunday nights available. I don't want to compete with our church services on Sunday night and make anyone feel we see value in doing something else. Did your church do lifegroups on Sunday nights before you arrived? How was it sold to the leadership and congregation?
Comment by James Nored on January 14, 2009 at 11:34pm
Matt, the class on Islam sounds interesting. We might do something on that here as well.

Matt, I think inviting people to something that they have already expressed interest in is always appropriate. If a person is church going, inviting them to class may work. If not, then this may be a difficult first place to invite. (A small group offsite or personal study invitation will usually work better.) But asking her is one way to find out whether or not she attends church anywhere.
Comment by Matt Brunk on January 14, 2009 at 6:16pm
What is so cool is that Dennis, our assoc minister, is teaching a Sunday morning class on Islam. It is a factual look at the origins of Islam and their beliefs. I see this colleague of mine weekly and we are referring some business back and forth. I am going to invite her at our next get-together to come to the class on Islam. If she says no, I'll ask her if they attend church in Liberty. then go from there. any suggestions?
Comment by James Nored on January 10, 2009 at 10:13am
Hey Matt. Sounds like you had a great conversation. Yes, people are more aware of different beliefs than we might think, though it is a hodge podge from a lot of sources (some accurate, some not). Many people do not know about the Christian faith and reject us. Perhaps even more scary, many people do know the Christian faith and reject it.

So much of a person accepting a faith comes down to the messenger. If we live out our faith in a believable, attractive way, this goes a long way towards someone else wanting to live this way.

Good point on the FBI studying the real thing to be able to spot counterfeits. People today need to be able to study us, see the real thing, and then reject counterfeit Christianity, not the real deal.

Thanks for helping us see how to engage in spiritual conversation. Now, what is the next step with your friend? We want to know! :)

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