Matt Brunk
  • Male
  • Kansas City, MO
  • United States
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Matt Brunk's Friends

  • Jennifer Brunk
  • Adam Mearse
  • Ryan Parsons
  • John Dobbs
  • Roger De Loach
  • Steve Kilson
  • Mark Barone
  • Bob Rogers
  • Marc Vasquez
  • Judy Dingus
  • Janet Sutton
  • Debra
  • Kevin Brockus
  • Lynn S. Nored
  • Becki Nored

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Because no day is promised, Enjoy each Day. Make a difference!

About Me

Hello. My name is Matt Brunk. I have a great family and have been blessed. I am grateful for God's grace and forgiveness. That he loved us while we were willfully sinning against him, speaks of his great love for us. I believe the Lord has delivered me through many situations in order to share the gospel with others. Not only the story of who Jesus is and what he did, but what he has done in my life and the lives of those around me.

For a glimpse of how our decisions affect our future and how God loves us unconditionally, watch the video below (further down the page) called "Life house, everything drama."

I am also on facebook.

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Comment Wall (35 comments)

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At 12:38am on June 21, 2015, Bruno Serra said…

Hello Dear,
How is everything with you,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile,I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here,since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( the full details.
Have a nice day.
Bruno Serra.

At 12:47am on November 2, 2010, Jayaraj.E said…
Dear Brother , Greetings to you . I am Jayaraj , working as an evangelist in India. please add me a your friend . please pray for me and work in India .please visit regularly MON and share your work here ...thank you for your great work in His kingdom
At 9:57am on June 2, 2010, Adam Mearse said…
Hi Matt. Sorry for the delay in getting the friend request figured out. I was wrapped up with a class the last couple weeks and am just starting to figure out my way around MON. I look forward to meeting you when we get a chance. I'm really excited about what God is going to do there in KC (regardless of whether I end up being a part of's just exciting). Blessings.
At 8:18am on May 14, 2010, James Nored said…
Matt, I'm praying for your sermon debut, buddy! You'll do great.
At 9:16am on January 3, 2009, Bob Rogers said…
Thanks, Matt. We need to hear those things. It encourages us. We do it all for God. We are His servants. Have a great start to the New Year. We are glad you are not just believers, but seekers. You are on your way to be a great leader. Your mom is so proud and your dad would be too. God Bless.
At 9:45am on December 31, 2008, Bob Rogers said…
Thanks. It is always great to see you and your family. We love your kids. You are good parents and it shows. Deb says your kids really know a lot about God and the Bible. God Bless.
At 2:37pm on December 21, 2008, James Nored said…
Matt, I was glad to hear on Friday during our coaching session of all the positive benefits that your new focus is having upon your life.

If you would like, you can do your journaling under the "Christian coaching" group or under the "Sharing Faith Through Spiritual Conversations." The first would encompass all of the different aspects that our coaching together is bringing out, while the second would be more focused on these spiritual conversations. They both have benefits. Or you could do some in both.
At 4:34pm on December 16, 2008, Steve Cunningham said…
Hi Matt. Thanks for the encouraging words. We have a good group of H.S. students and I am glad that my sons made a positive contribution to the class. I am really happy that you chose to help out by teaching the class. The kids need more people who are willing to share their lives with them and you will do a great job in there. Let me know if I can be of any assistance as I'll be glad to.
At 8:57am on November 13, 2008, Marc Vasquez said…
That's because you're a dork. Just kidding. I'm still learning about this so I'll take a look at lunch today bro.
At 9:44am on November 11, 2008, James Nored said…
Matt, I know that you are juggling many things. I pray that God blesses you this quarter. I'll look forward to your journals on spiritual conversations too.

Hey Becki and I booked a cruise! Nov. 24-29 over Thanksgiving. To the Caribbean. Mexico, Cazumel, etc. Should be great!

Matt Brunk's Blog

We may be the ones to plant,water or harvest

Posted on January 14, 2009 at 6:13pm 1 Comment

Jen and I are so glad that our friends are searching for peace and direction. One of our friends took their family to our church Sunday night. Some of our other friends have visited a mormon church (we have a mormon family in the neighborhood that does a great job of building relationships and getting peple to visit their church). Our friends have not attended church in years. They have a daughter who is in our oldest daughter's kindegarten class. They told my wife how nice the mormon church… Continue

Real of Counterfeit- How can you tell?

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 12:00pm 4 Comments

Which one is real?? (answer at bottom of post)

The other day I was visiting with a business colleague of mine. While we talked about

business, our plans for 2009, the economy, taxes- we ended up talking about our past experiences. We discussed interesting stories about ourselves that showed the individualistic qualities we possess. Both she and I are seen by others as conservative, non-risk… Continue

Is our God a God or order?

Posted on January 4, 2009 at 3:48pm 4 Comments

Yes- I believe that our God is a God of order. Many times I hear people say that they got an idea "from God" and are going head-first towards taking action. Now, I am not saying that God doesn't prompt people through various means (people, the Holy Spirit, praying), but as we are to worship and use our heart and strength- we are also to use our mind.

Before Esther approached her husband, the King, she and her servants fasted for 3 days. Now, I haven't fasted that much, and I'm not… Continue

The book of Esther- a deeper look

Posted on January 2, 2009 at 6:02pm 0 Comments

I reread the book of Esther, using the NASB. My dad ( a preacher for 20+yrs and a Bible college graduate) always told me that the NASB was the most accurate translation. Now that we are in the "holiday" season (have to be careful to not offend so we all say "holiday"), many people have a focus on God, Jesus and maybe even about going to church more often. This ties into new year's resolutions We all want to be more spiritual probably, because we feel better about ourselves. I am willing to do… Continue

One tough woman- Esther

Posted on December 30, 2008 at 2:20pm 1 Comment

One of many old testament books I have looked over is "Esther." Because my life involves many women, I thought I would read "Esther"; also - it is a very short read. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. It has all the action of a hollywood movie. Due to a queen's refusal to come before the king (after a 7 day banquet party), Esther received the opportunity to become a leader of the jews and a Queen to King Xerxes. When her jewish people were in fear for their lives, she knew the right thing… Continue

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from a friend, James Nored

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"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"
Jul 22, 2023
BISHOP. MISAKI KYOTO TURNER commented on T.J.R.Benhur Babu's photo

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"Bishop loves you"
Jul 7, 2023
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