One of many old testament books I have looked over is "Esther." Because my life involves many women, I thought I would read "Esther"; also - it is a very short read. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. It has all the action of a hollywood movie. Due to a queen's refusal to come before the king (after a 7 day banquet party), Esther received the opportunity to become a leader of the jews and a Queen to King Xerxes. When her jewish people were in fear for their lives, she knew the right thing to do, but was afraid. Her cousin Mordecai spoke to her in chapter 4, verse 14:

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

Mordecai had hope for the Jewish people, that they would find relief and deliverance. God would work out his plan, but Esther wouldn't get the chance to be a part of it. Also- she came into this unexpected position- from a regular Jewish girl to the Queen of King Xerxes (ruler of 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush).

1. God wants everyone to come to him, but knows that some will not. Since I know the "big picture," I can either be a part of "it" (member of God's family, a kingdom builder, a committed disciple) OR just sit back and let time roll on.
I enjoy leading. I enjoy following passionate leaders. I don't want my life to be like vanilla (sorry vanilla eaters). At the end of my life, I want to know that I took as many opportunities to serve others; I stood up for what was right; I loved/led my family and loved others. Yes- I want to be a part of of "relief and deliverance" for people in my life.

2. Are we in positions we never thought we would be?? I am a business owner with much responsibility and great rewards for my hard work. I get to help people with all sorts of needs. I get to serve my employees, clients and others I come into contact with. 15 years - I was working the easiest job I could find, making horrible decisions and living a sad,lonely life. YES- I am in a "royal" position. Despite my decisions, God brought me through a bad car accident and many other experiences. He delivered my physically and I am walking with him spiritually. Who is my Mordecai? probably James Nored. He asks me the tough questions and loves me and challenges me.

I am going to read Esther and do more research on the culture and put together a class on it. Maybe I can have the elders review it and teach it to the adults in late 2009 or 2010. I always thought that the old testament was dry and boring. BOY- was I wrong.

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Comment by James Nored on December 30, 2008 at 11:50pm
Matt, I'm glad to be your Mordecai!

I think that a lot of the OT is coming to life now with all of the attention in the past few years to the Middle East. Babylon is modern day Iraq. Persia (the ruler over Esther) is modern day Iran. Pretty interesting stuff.

Yes, Matt, I believe that God has placed you in "such a time as this." You definitely have many opportunities--and abilities--to reach people for God in your work as a business owner. Looking forward to seeing what God will do in your life.

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