Ok. The title of this post is a bit strange, but have you ever considered this question? What traits do you find attractive in another person, male or female? Other than looks and good personal hygiene, what do we look for in a friend? As Christians, we are to have a reason for the hope we have and we are not to be ashamed of the gospel. We are Christ's representatives and the way in which we face each day and the choices we make signal to non-Christians what we "really" believe. Do we really believe that our treasure is up in heaven? Our attitude or happiness level should not rise or fall based on daily events.
What would a non-Christian find attractive about being friends with a commited follower/disciple of Jesus?
("Growing in Jesus" small group book by Doug Fields & Brett Eastman) People who serve a cause greater than themselves are often admired. The football player who gave up professional football to serve in the armed forces, only to die in war- people admire his courage and commitment. Unless our lives reflect hope, peace, truth, compassion and love- our non-Christian friends will not see us as any different than their non-Christian friends.
In order for me to reflect peace, hope, love, compassion, grace and gratefulness for Jesus, I need/desire to read God's word daily. Instead of participating in every good event that comes up, my wife and I are discussing the pros and cons of either of us taking time to participate in the activity. There are so many opportunities for our kids. What is the most beneficial for our family as a whole and for them as individuals? More events do not equal more blessings. I want to write a family mission statement with my wife and kids. This will help us make decisions because any option can be lined up against the mission statement to see if it fits. Do you have a personal or family mission statement? Any suggestions for me??
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