I reread the book of Esther, using the NASB. My dad ( a preacher for 20+yrs and a Bible college graduate) always told me that the NASB was the most accurate translation. Now that we are in the "holiday" season (have to be careful to not offend so we all say "holiday"), many people have a focus on God, Jesus and maybe even about going to church more often. This ties into new year's resolutions We all want to be more spiritual probably, because we feel better about ourselves. I am willing to do some good deeds, pray with my family, read the Bible. All the safe things.

Before Esther approached the king (her husband), she made it clear to her cousin Mordecai, that a king must request a person to enter into his prescence or he can have them killed. He could let them live if he extends the golden scepter to them. She hadn't seen her husband, the king in 30 days. That means he had not requested her to come before him. Sure, he had a harem of many women, and scripture tells us that the king found Esther very attractive. But, he hadn't seen her in a month.

This gutsy lady took Mordecai's words to heart and decided she would give her life freely for the sake of her jewish people. BEFORE she went before the king, she and her servants fasted. And, she asked Mordecai to fast as well. For 3 days they fasted and prayed. Then, she went before the king. She used her heart, soul and mind before taking action. She prayed and sought God's will.

How can I be more like Esther? When I spend more time in the word and in prayer, I seem to make better decisions. Every decision we make should line up with our belief system/our faith. I have the opportunity/responsibility to raise 3 children. Before I make any decision, I need to use my brain, but also seek God's will.

How do you make decisions, big and small? If you are married, do you discuss them with your spouse?

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