Rick Richardson's book,
Reimagining Evangelism: Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey, is now in a DVD teaching format.
Richardson's approach to evangelism is very natural, moving away from canned, confrontational, or presentational type of evangelism. By "inviting friends on a Spiritual journey," Richardson seeks to help all Christians, regardless of personality type of biblical knowledge level, to see how they can share their faith.
Here is the product description at christianbook.com:

"Sharing our faith in Christ is much more difficult than it was in the past. We now live in a post-Christian and pluralistic culture that does not respond well to traditional evangelistic efforts. But sharing the good news is not optional.
Through this DVD, which is designed to be used with the Reimagining Evangelism Participant's Guide and Rick Richardson's book Reimagining Evangelism, you will gain insight into and develop skills for sharing Christ with your twenty-first-century friends. Using a variety of formats--vignettes, conversations, role plays and animation--this DVD will help you develop spiritual friendships by:
- identifying activities you enjoy that you can invite friends to participate in
- discovering your gifts that can be used in developing spiritual friendships
- being thought-provoking by using the four basic spiritual discernment questions
- committing to listening to nonbelievers before jumping to respond to tough questions
- sharing your personal story of transformation
- learning two diagrams for presenting the good news of God's kingdom
- using questions to discern how to help friends take the next step toward Christ."
Some of the video footage is a bit cheesy--certainly not the quality of say, the Nooma films. However, as the thoughts in these videos are good, and as they are geared towards teaching Christians how to evangelism and are not directed towards non-Christians, the present format can be overlooked.
Have you read Rick Richardson's book, Evangelism Outside the Box? What are your thoughts on Richardon's approach?