I have just started reading Organic Outreach for Ordinary People by Kevin Harney, so I do not have a full review yet. But I love the concept or organic outreach--naturally telling people about Jesus and living incarnationally amongst non-Christians.

The video gives some good examples of the material in the book. To touch on a section of the book, here are some questions that Harney gives for making conversations with nonbelievers more spiritual (p. 191-92).
  • What are some joys you are experiencing in this season of your life?
  • What challenges and struggles are you facing?
  • What is your personal history when it comes to faith and God?
  • What do you believe about God?
  • What is your perception of Christians?
What do you think of the concept of Organic Outreach? How do these questions strike you? Do you have others to add?

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I see this concept as very valuable. I have been on both sides of the fence, as a minister on the payroll and as a member making a living in the science field. When I was a church leader, people expected me to say something relating to the spiritual. But as one who did not have the recognition as a preacher, I found that I had to retune myself to resonsate with people I meet.

Thanks for sharing your experiences so that the body of Christ can be more useful in sharing their faith with others. Bill Bowman
I've added that book to my list to acquire next.

Based on what he has described, I think it's brilliant. My own research shows that fear paralyzes us, and people look for something that feels natural.

I think his questions are useful, and as long as your conversation partner is willing to continue or respond, those kinds of conversations can feel normal.

I'm glad to see this book out.


I picked up that book and read it.  Here are my thoughts on it.

EvangelismCoach Review of Organic Outreach for Ordinary People

I've put here a snippet that I found encouraging. .

Ways to Raise Your Evangelistic Temperature:

Kevin gives us three ways, which many of us will be familiar with:

  1. Regular Prayer for non-believers.
  2. Regular Proximity unbelievers
  3. Regular Personal Testimony – stories of Changed lives.

“How much time do you spend in a normal week with people who are not yet followers of Jesus?  What can you do to increase this amount of time?”

I’ve taught a similar principle in my workshops, and have written about this area before.  It’s refreshing to see it spelled out in a book in a simple manner like what he’s done here.

Thanks, Chris. Good thoughts here.

As to prayers for non-believers, I am always shocked when I ask people to name some people that are non-believers that we can pray for and there is silence. This shows that non-believers are nowhere on their hearts or minds. And since they obviously know non-believers, the fact that the still do not name them and let us pray for them shows that they do not want to open their hearts towards them. I must say, this is difficult for me to understand.

Any thoughts?



I have written a few articles on how to do such a thing, and like you, I see the difficulty many people have in coming up with a few names.

A few reasons from my audience:

  • One has been Christian for so long, they don't have regular life relationships with non-Christians.
  • Lack of recent evangelism illustrations from pastors.
  • The persistent hope in attractional strategies to the neglect of anything else "Evangelism."
  • Lack of prayer in this vien.

Part of why I'm writing a 30 days of prayer for the harvest series as time permits. . . . I'm about half way through.


Jesus saw the harvest (Matthew 9)

I see the harvest in my city.

I'm asking the Lord of the Harvest to raise up more workers who see it.


Thanks, Chris, for these thought and resources. I will check them out. Praying for the lost is so important! We invoke God's power, and we place these people upon our hearts and minds and upon the hearts and minds of other Christians.

Chris Walker said:



I have written a few articles on how to do such a thing, and like you, I see the difficulty many people have in coming up with a few names.

A few reasons from my audience:

  • One has been Christian for so long, they don't have regular life relationships with non-Christians.
  • Lack of recent evangelism illustrations from pastors.
  • The persistent hope in attractional strategies to the neglect of anything else "Evangelism."
  • Lack of prayer in this vien.

Part of why I'm writing a 30 days of prayer for the harvest series as time permits. . . . I'm about half way through.


Jesus saw the harvest (Matthew 9)

I see the harvest in my city.

I'm asking the Lord of the Harvest to raise up more workers who see it.


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