I have ordered "missional small groups," but have not read it yet. However, Greg Boyd has just written a review of this book. I have copied the first part of his review, and then linked to his blog. Just wanted to alert MON readers to this potential new resource!


Missional Small Groups


July 21st, 2010


After 18 years of pastoring a rather large American church, I would have to say that the second hardest challenge our leadership team has faced as we have labored to make disciples of weekend church attenders is getting people to commit to sharing life with others in a small group context.


The hardest challenge, however, has been to get small groups to view themselves as distinctly kingdom communities who come together not simply to hang out or engage in an occasional Bible study, but to carry out the mission God has given us.


My friend Scott Boren, who is also the “Connecting Pastor” at Church, has just published a book on this topic called Missional Small Groups: Becoming a Community That Makes a Difference in the World (Baker). Scott artfully places his assessment of the challenges facing small groups as well as his proposed solutions to these challenges in a narrative framework.


For too long churches have viewed small group ministry as a sort of program to be added onto people’s already overly-busy lives. Scott argues that, if we’re going to authentically grow in the direction of participating in small groups that are missionally defined, we will need to reframe the fundamental “rhythms” that weave together our lives. This is what Scott’s insightful book helps us do.


The most helpful aspect of Scott’s book, in my opinion, is the way he combines theory and practice . . . Click here to read the rest of Greg Boyd's book review.


Click here to order Missional Small Groups on Amazon.

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Good review...though not much information on the contents. I was able to read several pages of the book through the Kindle sample. Sounds intriguing. But you know, every small group book has it's viewpoint...some just unworkable in the local context. I am curious about this one though. Have ordered some other samples for Kindle of some of the books available ... too many to read!
Thanks for the feedback here, John. If you will give us a good review of Missional Small Groups, I'll order and pay for the book for you.
James, your response to the book was very motivating. I had been looking at the idea of missional work and I bought into it about three or four years ago. I am a director of small groups, so I have been instructing my leaders and others about what it is and how we need to incorporate it into our small group ministry. I'm thankful that we are becoming more missional than institutional about how we approach doing ministry. Pray for me that I will not grow weary in well doing.
Thank you, Amziah! We are here to share resources and encourage one another in God's mission.

What resources have you used in your small group ministry? We would love to hear any insights that you might have to offer.

Amziah Christman said:
James, your response to the book was very motivating. I had been looking at the idea of missional work and I bought into it about three or four years ago. I am a director of small groups, so I have been instructing my leaders and others about what it is and how we need to incorporate it into our small group ministry. I'm thankful that we are becoming more missional than institutional about how we approach doing ministry. Pray for me that I will not grow weary in well doing.
Hey, I just got a tweet from Scott Boren. Turns out he grew up in McKInney and graduated from Frisco. He seems like a very friendly and nice guy. So I'm going to really plug missional small groups now!

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