Ever noticed that most words that start with C-O-M-M-U-N- - - end up being bad words? Communism...nasty word. Communicable...eeeewwwwww. And the worst of all...COMMUNICATE. Wait a sec...that's a good one, isn't it? So, why do we treat the process of communication as if it is tantamount to sin? I can't believe I just used the word "tantamount". Anyway, here's what I mean: Open dialogue about difficult and controversial subjects = ministry suicide / speaking openly about gossip - sin - etc. places one in a hated position / sharing one's heart for the sake of others = possible retribution and reject. This is not the norm in every situation...I understand that. However, I see it taking shape in so many other places in life that I'm beginning to believe it is more the norm than it ought to be.

Please take note: I'm not bringing this up as a conversation piece because it is affecting my current work; but, I have recently seen where my unwillingness to communicate in a proper fashion has brought heartache to others...and have seen where those others (then effected by my inability to communicate) responded in their unwillingness to communicate.

What's the point?
Ephesians 5:15-21 - Maybe this is a more appropriate use for this passage. Does it tell us how to communicate? how to dialogue? how to engage in conversations? Sure it does..."speak to one another with songs, hymns and spiritual songs"...and it wraps up with, "submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

In our daily wanderings, if we must approach a difficult and dicey subject, may we all remember to do so in a way that is positive, uplifting, spiritually motivated and (most importantly) in a way that shows reverence for our Savior.


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Comment by James Nored on August 23, 2009 at 10:00pm
Jon Mark, here is a sin that is rarely talked about--gluttony. In a nation that has exploded in obesity, no one wants to talk about this sin.

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