Author Anne Rice Quits Christianity--But is Still a Believer

Now here is an interesting article. Anne Rice, a one time author of graphic vampire novels, made headlines a few years ago for converting to Christianity. Because of her conversion, she ceased writing these types of

Today she made headlines by announcing that she was renouncing Christianity and being a Christian:


"In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control," the author wrote Wednesday on her  Facebook page. "In the name of ... Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen."  Read the AP story here.


Here is another quote from Anne Rice's Facebook page:


For those who care, and I understand if you don't: Today I quit being a Christian. I'm out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being "Christian" or to being part of Christianity. It's simply impossible for me to "belong" to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For tenyears, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.


And yet, the article report this: "Although no longer part of any denomination, she remains a believer and continues to read theology and post Biblical passages on her Facebook page."

So, what does this say about the perception of "Christianity" and "Christian"? I am reminded of a joke I heard once in which someone said this in trying to define Christians: "They are against things and go to a lot of meetings." It is interesting that Anne Rice defined Christianity and being a Christian entirely as being against things.

Now, there are things that Christians should be against. But we ought to be known primarily for what we are for. Jesus said that we would be known as his disciples by our love for one another. He said that we should do our good deeds before people so that they would praise the Father in heaven. When Anne Rice thought of quiting Christianity and being a Christian, why did she not think of quitting loving one another or doing good deeds? The reason is simple. Whether we like it or not, the reality is that a great percentage of non-Christians define Christians as being against things and being judgmental.(Check our David Kinnamon's book UnChristian for stats on this.)


It is interesting that Rice says, "In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being a Christian." This seems to confirm that she is making a distinction between what Christ was actually for and about, and what she perceives Christianity and Christians are all about. I'm not sure if she is actually for homosexuality, or is just against being "anti-gay." The Bible, of course, says that this behavior is sinful.  Perhaps she is confronting mean-spirited behavior towards gays. It has been said that we should love the sinner and hate the sin. Sounds like a good idea. But so many times, sadly, it seems that people end of hating the sinner, or at least act and speak against "sinners" in a hateful manner. It is interesting that "sinners" seemed to really like Jesus, where as those who fall into the "sinners" category today often run from, well, Christians and Christianity.

Rice is defined by the writer of the AP article as still being a believer, and the writer notes that Rice continues to post biblical passages on her Facebook page. Rice also writes:


"My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn't understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me."

But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been, or might become.


I am glad that Rice took renounced atheism and has made her faith in Christ central to her life. Praise God! I do not know all the rest of her beliefs, and am not here to defend them--that is really beside the point I am making. The point I am making is this--we need to be known primarily for the things Jesus said that we would be known for, such as our love for one another, doing good deeds in the community, etc. We have a huge PR problem, and many
non-Christians do not see us as a positive force in the world.

What do you think is the cause of the world's negative perception of "Christians" and "Christianity"? How can we change this perception?

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Good thoughts James. I wrote about this on my blog last night. A couple of interesting things from her Facebook/Twitter accounts:

*She was very glad that a Lutheran church allowed two lesbian priests to function at a church. I interpret that to mean that she is pro-gay, not simply unwilling to be anti-gay.

*She made reference to Westboro Baptist Church just a few posts below the ones quoted... a distasteful cult that all of us would abhor. We would all renounce THAT kind of 'christianity' as not being Christian.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Interesting article! Her view of Christianity seems skewed by the bad example of too many people who claim to be Christians. But, because of her perspective on homosexulity (and perhaps other things as well), her understanding of Scriptuire is also skewed. Nonetheless, somewhere, somehow she seems to have come upon a key understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ -- his love, is mercy, his compassion, his grace. All of them attributes that should also characterize His followers. Before we judge Ann Rice, I think each one of us needs to take a good hard look at self. Too many of us (and I will include myself) are very much in need of honest self-assessment and genuine repentance before we humbly ask God to forgive us.
I think I'm mostly frustrated because of the incomprehensibly high expectations that so many Christians place on the public performance of the church. Anne's one of my favorite authors and I deeply appreciate her honesty and her willingness to speak from her woundedness. This is what I posted to her on FB:

"John 13, Anne. Imagine how angry Jesus was when he walks in to give the greatest piece of teaching in the Gospels, and the disciples are arguing over who is gonna wash feet. Remember Moses and Paul, who told God that they'd rather be damned than for God's people to perish. I know we're a wreck. I'm a wreck. You're a wreck. We're ALL a wreck! What else do you expect from a group of people who are all in rehab???"

That's one of my great frustrations, and why I'm still working in active community with fellow believers: because Moses and Paul told God they'd rather be damned with God's people than saved without them. But remember that Christianity wasn't seen as "a positive force in the world" for much of its history. Our Lord was crucified as a rebel and a heretic, and we were despised through much of the Empire because we were believed to have no family values or civic virtues. So a few madmen and awful heretics (I don't mean Anne Rice, but rather the Westboro folk and their ilk) will always get more airtime "in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation." But where do the poor and helpless keep going? To churches - to Christian soup kitchens - to Christian shelters and clothing providers, etc etc.

Can we do more? oh yes. Are we blatantly failing the Unity Challenge in John 17? Absolutely. Agape unity is the only Jesus-promised way the world will appreciate us.
Here is a pretty good response to Anne Rice's decision to reject "Christianity" but stay a follower of Christ.
Here is Christianity Today's Q&A with Anne Rice on her rejection of Christianity but staying a Christ-follower.
Here is an article, Anne Rice is Not Alone.
Here is a book review that was posted of Doug Pagitt's new book, A Christianity Worth Believing In. Might have some similar themes as Anne Rice's comments.
Nick, good for you with posting on Anne Rice's page! It is good that you are seeking to interact with her.

Yes, the church is made up of flawed human beings. We should not expect perfection, though we should expect to improve and grow into Christ's image.

Nick Gill said:
I think I'm mostly frustrated because of the incomprehensibly high expectations that so many Christians place on the public performance of the church. Anne's one of my favorite authors and I deeply appreciate her honesty and her willingness to speak from her woundedness. This is what I posted to her on FB:

"John 13, Anne. Imagine how angry Jesus was when he walks in to give the greatest piece of teaching in the Gospels, and the disciples are arguing over who is gonna wash feet. Remember Moses and Paul, who told God that they'd rather be damned than for God's people to perish. I know we're a wreck. I'm a wreck. You're a wreck. We're ALL a wreck! What else do you expect from a group of people who are all in rehab???"

That's one of my great frustrations, and why I'm still working in active community with fellow believers: because Moses and Paul told God they'd rather be damned with God's people than saved without them. But remember that Christianity wasn't seen as "a positive force in the world" for much of its history. Our Lord was crucified as a rebel and a heretic, and we were despised through much of the Empire because we were believed to have no family values or civic virtues. So a few madmen and awful heretics (I don't mean Anne Rice, but rather the Westboro folk and their ilk) will always get more airtime "in the midst of a crooked and depraved generation." But where do the poor and helpless keep going? To churches - to Christian soup kitchens - to Christian shelters and clothing providers, etc etc.

Can we do more? oh yes. Are we blatantly failing the Unity Challenge in John 17? Absolutely. Agape unity is the only Jesus-promised way the world will appreciate us.
This story just continues to have legs. Read the LA Times article, "The Anne Rice defection: It's the tip of the religious iceberg."

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