Today I met one of my neighbor's friends today at Starbucks. He saw that I had a flyer out on my table and asked, Is this for your church? I said yes. But when I said it was for a Dynamic Marriage class, he said, That's not for me. He said, "I'm gay." He went on to say that he had thought about going to church, and that he was very spiritual. But he said, "How do you get over the gay hurdle."

I said that we would love to have him come and visit.

After all, would not we do this with someone who struggled with anger? Materialism? Worry? Is not the Christian assembly something which can help someone come to faith in God and part--if not the whole--of the conversion process? 

Was I right or wrong in inviting him? What would you have done?

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I'll take a look. Thanks, Joe.

Joe Palmer said:
James and all. I have some articles I have been writing about how we deal with homosexuals. I hope you will read and let me know what you think

I think you were totally right! We are all sinners and all need God! I wish more people would do the same.
I agree with you -- and with all those who responded. Invite him. However, his question still hangs in the air: "How do you get over the gay hurdle?" Believing the Bible as we do, this is not so much a hurdle to be crossed as it is a lifestyle to be confronted. Most (if not all) gays do not see themselves as needing, or able, to change. That's one big hurdle! But keeping them away from worship services won't help anything. Inviting them to come and letting them hear a message of grace and love and salvation just might make a positive impact -- and eventually remove the hurdle.
So, I've heard you guys on this subject. You all agree that it was good to invite him to worship with us. Perhaps I should not be surprised. This is, after all, a "missional" network.

What if this were a "holiness" network? Do you think the opinions would be any different?

What if he came and kept coming. Did the normal exploring thing. Maybe came to a church service project day. Sang out at the nursing home. What if he brought his partner and sat together, but had no overt physical expressions? What should happen then?
I absolutely would have invited him to church. You didn't ask him to join the church or become a leader, which is a fear many pastors would have had f they had been posed with these circumstances. But isn't the church precisely the place to teach your friend that there is an alternate lifestyle to his alternate lifestyle?
Our example is Jesus. He would have invited him. It is possible to be gay and spiritual. But, it is not possible to continue to practice homosexuality and know God and His word. It is not our job to judge him, it is our job to plant the seed, and help along the way. He may not ever stop being gay, in the same way an alcoholic is always an alcoholic even if he never drinks again. A sin is just a sin, whatever it might be.
I was very excited and curious to read these postings. I have had many gay friends throughout my life. In fact, when my church turned their back on me during my divorce, my gay friends were in the minority that stood by my side. I love people, and as a result, I usually find myself in contact with many different types of people. My next door neighbors are gay and my other next door neighbor's mother is gay. "John and Bill", I will call them, always comment on my love and kindness I show them. In fact, John used to be "church of Christ" when he lived in Tennessee and before choosing his alternative lifestyle. I've often wanted to invite them to church, but wasn't sure what people would think. To me, when they mention my friendship, it seems only natural for me to say "I can introduce you to a whole family of friends where I worship." Both know I attend church and both actually care for my animals when I'm on mission trips! Isn't this all so ironic. I will invite them now! Thank you for your courage James. I agree, Jesus had dinner with sinners....
Here is a related story about a Christian school that rejected a girl from attending their school because she had two lesbians mothers. Read the story here. What do you think of this? (Please read the story first.)
So politically teh scool sould be able to do as it sees fit and I very much support their freedom from government interference but I think we are concerned with the moral dimension. I will also put aside that the child is innocent, although I do realize that that assertion has theological implications concerning original sin (especially for Catholics). I think the answer is pretty clear if we stop using "gay" "lesbian" etc and instead just use "sinner." So should, morally, a Christian school reject a student because her parents are sinners? um...answer is obvious. Should we invite sinners to church? Again, answer is obvious. Unless someone can make clear that somehow homosexuality is a sin amongst sins, that to God it is any different than lying, theft, jealousy, gossip, etc then I frankly don't understand the focus on homosexuality

James Nored said:
Here is a related story about a Christian school that rejected a girl from attending their school because she had two lesbians mothers. Read the story here. What do you think of this? (Please read the story first.)

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