One of many old testament books I have looked over is "Esther." Because my life involves many women, I thought I would read "Esther"; also - it is a very short read. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. It has all the action of a hollywood movie. Due to a queen's refusal to come before the king (after a 7 day banquet party), Esther received the opportunity to become a leader of the jews and a Queen to King Xerxes. When her jewish people were in fear for their lives, she knew the right thing… Continue
I hope that you guys had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year! On Christmas Eve we had a Candlelight service, with attendance of probably 300+ and a lot of visitors (probably a lot of family, but perhaps some from the community). We equipped our members with flyers for this and mailed out an invitation to our December sermon series, which included an invite to the Candlelight service.
I just wanted to highlight this message that Lori, from the Women United in Recovery group, posted. The Women United in Recovery group started meeting in one of our portables at our church building just a couple of months. Here is what she says in reference to some from our church who helped make this possible:
"Thanks girls for all your help with this meeting!! A big thanks to Sharron Dunlap for helping with childcare and Teresa for setting us up!! Bless you all! The meetings have… Continue
Added by James Nored on December 19, 2008 at 11:00pm —
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Ok. The title of this post is a bit strange, but have you ever considered this question? What traits do you find attractive in another person, male or female? Other than looks and good personal hygiene, what do we look for in a friend? As Christians, we are to have a reason for the hope we have and we are not to be ashamed of the gospel. We are Christ's representatives and the way in which we face each day and the choices we make signal to non-Christians what we "really" believe. Do we really… Continue
Many missiologists are pointing towards the spiritual nature of consumerism. While we tend to think of consumerism as being devoid of spirituality, in reality it is not. Advertisers do not sell products--they now sell purpose, meaning, and identity through their products, seeking to fill the spiritual void in American consumers' lives.
One recent study showed that people who are more anxious are drawn towards certain name brands, such as the Gap.… Continue
Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost, authors of The Shaping of Things to Come, have a new book out called ReJEsus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church. Here is an excerpt from's editorial review:
"ReJesus asks the following questions:
* What ongoing role does Jesus the Messiah play in shaping the ethos and self understanding of the movement that originated in him?
* How is the Christian religion informed and shaped by… Continue
Added by James Nored on December 14, 2008 at 1:30pm —
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Genesis Alliance from Clint Loveness on Vimeo. Here is a brand new video for Genesis Alliance, a Hispanic church planting partnership with several sponsoring churches. The Hispanic population is growing phenomenonly fast in the US, and yet most fellowships are very underrepresented in the Hispanic population. Genesis Alliance seeks to plant Hispanic churches… Continue
Hispanic Leadership will be essential not only for the future but for the present! Who are those leaders out there representing the hispanics? Moreover, are they leaders that are ambassadors of Christ! Any ideas on how to grow the leadership potential for Hispanics? Who are the Hispanic leaders of right now? Do they represent Christ?
MIke Eppinette sent me a link to the Witnesswell website. Witnesswell uses the five symbols found in this picture to share the gospel. The story of the symbols is found on the website: "Over twenty years ago, Bill Smith drew these symbols on a chalkboard while speaking about the life of Jesus at White’s Ferry Church of Christ in West Monroe, Louisiana. Mac and Mary Owen were in the class. They… Continue
While atheists are still pretty rare in the US, there is now what Keith Matthews in my D.Min. class on Postmodernism called "the new agressive atheism." This is the atheism of people like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hawkins, and others.
This Youtube video seeks to tell Christians that if they want to be intelligent people, they must stop believing imaginary things. In fact, their belief in God is dangerous, and religion is a danger in the… Continue
As a lot of you know, I just took my D.Min. class at Fuller on Ministry in the Postmodern Matrix. For my paper for this class, I'm going to be writing about how the internet will change how we do ministry and outreach, particularly through social networking sites.
In just the last two years, how people use the internet has dramatically changed with the rise of sites like Facebook. Today, people have a very public persona on these sites, giving… Continue
I hardly ever read the same book twice. However, there are a few exceptions. I first read Richard Foster's book Freedom of Simplicity: Finding Harmony in a Complex World about ten years ago. It had a great impact on my life. Now that so much in my life has changed, I've decided to read it again.
I really appreciate Foster's motivation for simplicity: it is not a hollow piety but a desire to make more space for God in our lives and to create more possibilities for serving… Continue
"Father in the name of Jesus Christ restore mobility back too her life restore ordor back and finally This will make a Differance in her hold life Give her you father for my sister Kishinev Davis and my sister tanksley Dovie. Amen"